- uplatex
- rIMing font
- 源石黑體:
- AR PL UKai:
Build upzhserif-v.tfm
, upzhserif-v.vf
, upzhserifb-v.vf
, uptchrm-v.vf
(overriding the CTeX default):
jfmutil zpl2tfm -u --lenient upzhserif-v.zpl
jfmutil zvp02vf -u --lenient upzhserif-v.zvp0
jfmutil zvp2vf -u --lenient upzhserifb-v.zvp
jfmutil zvp2vf -u --lenient uptchrm-v.zvp
Make sure that the fonts used in this document are reachable:
ln -s /path/to/rIMing.ttf rIMing.ttf
ln -s /path/to/GenSekiGothic-M.ttc GenSekiGothic-M.ttc
ln -s /path/to/ukai.ttc ukai.ttc
Build using uplatex
uplatex gwgz && uplatex gwgz && dvipdfmx gwgz