Base64captcha supports digit, number, alphabet, arithmetic, audio and digit-alphabet captcha. Base64Captcha is used for fast development of RESTful APIs, web apps and backend services in Go. give a string identifier to the package and it returns with a base64-encoding-png-string
Data URIs are now supported by all major browsers. IE supports embedding images since version 8 as well.
RESTful Application returns small base64 image is more convenient.
go get -u
For Gopher from mainland China without VPN go get
failure solution:
- go version > 1.11
- set env
import ""
func demoCodeCaptchaCreate() {
//config struct for digits
var configD = base64Captcha.ConfigDigit{
Height: 80,
Width: 240,
MaxSkew: 0.7,
DotCount: 80,
CaptchaLen: 5,
//config struct for audio
var configA = base64Captcha.ConfigAudio{
CaptchaLen: 6,
Language: "zh",
//config struct for Character
var configC = base64Captcha.ConfigCharacter{
Height: 60,
Width: 240,
//const CaptchaModeNumber:数字
// CaptchaModeAlphabet:字母
// CaptchaModeArithmetic:算术
// CaptchaModeNumberAlphabet:数字字母混合.
// CaptchaModeChinese: 中文字符串
// CaptchaModeUseSequencedCharacters: 在指定词组中随机(内部保持词组有序)
Mode: base64Captcha.CaptchaModeNumber,
ComplexOfNoiseText: base64Captcha.CaptchaComplexLower,
ComplexOfNoiseDot: base64Captcha.CaptchaComplexLower,
IsUseSimpleFont: true,
IsShowHollowLine: false,
IsShowNoiseDot: false,
IsShowNoiseText: false,
IsShowSlimeLine: false,
IsShowSineLine: false,
// 随机中文字符串来源,在CaptchaModeChinese时有效。
ChineseCharacterSource: "",
// 随机词组,在CaptchaModeUseSequencedCharacters时有效
SequencedCharacters: []string {"中文","英文","其他"},
CaptchaLen: 6,
//GenerateCaptcha 第一个参数为空字符串,包会自动在服务器一个随机种子给你产生随机uiid.
idKeyA, capA := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configA)
base64stringA := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capA)
//GenerateCaptcha 第一个参数为空字符串,包会自动在服务器一个随机种子给你产生随机uiid.
idKeyC, capC := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configC)
base64stringC := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capC)
//GenerateCaptcha 第一个参数为空字符串,包会自动在服务器一个随机种子给你产生随机uiid.
idKeyD, capD := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configD)
base64stringD := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capD)
fmt.Println(idKeyA, base64stringA, "\n")
fmt.Println(idKeyC, base64stringC, "\n")
fmt.Println(idKeyD, base64stringD, "\n")
//create a audio captcha.
//GenerateCaptcha first parameter is empty string,so the package will generate a random uuid for you.
idKeyA, capA := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configA)
//write to base64 string.
//GenerateCaptcha first parameter is empty string,so the package will generate a random uuid for you.
base64stringA := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capA)
//create a characters captcha.
//GenerateCaptcha first parameter is empty string,so the package will generate a random uuid for you.
idKeyC, capC := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configC)
//write to base64 string.
base64stringC := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capC)
//create a digits captcha.
idKeyD, capD := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", configD)
//write to base64 string.
base64stringD := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(capD)
fmt.Println(idKeyA, base64stringA, "\n")
fmt.Println(idKeyC, base64stringC, "\n")
fmt.Println(idKeyD, base64stringD, "\n")
func captchaWriterToHttpResponseWriterDemoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//config struct for Character
var config = base64Captcha.ConfigCharacter{
Height: 60,
Width: 240,
//const CaptchaModeNumber:数字,CaptchaModeAlphabet:字母,CaptchaModeArithmetic:算术,CaptchaModeNumberAlphabet:数字字母混合.
Mode: base64Captcha.CaptchaModeNumber,
ComplexOfNoiseText: base64Captcha.CaptchaComplexLower,
ComplexOfNoiseDot: base64Captcha.CaptchaComplexLower,
IsUseSimpleFont: true,
IsShowHollowLine: false,
IsShowNoiseDot: false,
IsShowNoiseText: false,
IsShowSlimeLine: false,
IsShowSineLine: false,
CaptchaLen: 6,
//create a captchaInterface instance.
//GenerateCaptcha first parameter is empty string,so the package will generate a random uuid for you.
idkey, captchaInterfaceIntance := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha("", config)
//write the httpResponseCookie with idKey.
//write the content of captcha interface instance to httpResponseWriter.
n,err := captchaInterfaceIntance.WriteTo(w)
import ""
func verfiyCaptcha(idkey,verifyValue string){
verifyResult := base64Captcha.VerifyCaptcha(idkey, verifyValue)
if verifyResult {
} else {
func SetCustomStore(s Store)
SetCustomStore sets custom storage for captchas, replacing the default memory store. This function must be called before generating any captchas.
func NewMemoryStore(collectNum int, expiration time.Duration) Store
NewMemoryStore returns a new standard memory store for captchas with the given collection threshold and expiration time in seconds. The returned store must be registered with SetCustomStore to replace the default one.
// example of HTTP server that uses the captcha package.
package main
import (
//ConfigJsonBody json request body.
type ConfigJsonBody struct {
Id string
CaptchaType string
VerifyValue string
ConfigAudio base64Captcha.ConfigAudio
ConfigCharacter base64Captcha.ConfigCharacter
ConfigDigit base64Captcha.ConfigDigit
// base64Captcha create http handler
func generateCaptchaHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//parse request parameters
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
var postParameters ConfigJsonBody
err := decoder.Decode(&postParameters)
if err != nil {
defer r.Body.Close()
//create base64 encoding captcha
var config interface{}
switch postParameters.CaptchaType {
case "audio":
config = postParameters.ConfigAudio
case "character":
config = postParameters.ConfigCharacter
config = postParameters.ConfigDigit
captchaId, captcaInterfaceInstance := base64Captcha.GenerateCaptcha(postParameters.Id, config)
base64blob := base64Captcha.CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(captcaInterfaceInstance)
//or you can just write the captcha content to the httpResponseWriter.
//before you put the captchaId into the response COOKIE.
//set json response
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
body := map[string]interface{}{"code": 1, "data": base64blob, "captchaId": captchaId, "msg": "success"}
// base64Captcha verify http handler
func captchaVerifyHandle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//parse request parameters
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
var postParameters ConfigJsonBody
err := decoder.Decode(&postParameters)
if err != nil {
defer r.Body.Close()
//verify the captcha
verifyResult := base64Captcha.VerifyCaptcha(postParameters.Id, postParameters.VerifyValue)
//set json response
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
body := map[string]interface{}{"code": "error", "data": "验证失败", "msg": "captcha failed"}
if verifyResult {
body = map[string]interface{}{"code": "success", "data": "验证通过", "msg": "captcha verified"}
//start a net/http server
//启动golang net/http 服务器
func main() {
//serve Vuejs+ElementUI+Axios Web Application
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static")))
//api for create captcha
http.HandleFunc("/api/getCaptcha", generateCaptchaHandler)
//api for verify captcha
http.HandleFunc("/api/verifyCaptcha", captchaVerifyHandle)
fmt.Println("Server is at localhost:3333")
if err := http.ListenAndServe("localhost:3333", nil); err != nil {
- ConfigAudio captcha config for captcha-engine-audio.
type ConfigAudio struct { // CaptchaLen Default number of digits in captcha solution. CaptchaLen int // Language possible values for lang are "en", "ja", "ru", "zh". Language string }
- ConfigDigit config for captcha-engine-digit.
type ConfigDigit struct { // Height png height in pixel. // 图像验证码的高度像素. Height int // Width Captcha png width in pixel. // 图像验证码的宽度像素 Width int // DefaultLen Default number of digits in captcha solution. // 默认数字验证长度6. CaptchaLen int // MaxSkew max absolute skew factor of a single digit. // 图像验证码的最大干扰洗漱. MaxSkew float64 // DotCount Number of background circles. // 图像验证码干扰圆点的数量. DotCount int }
- ConfigCharacter captcha config for captcha-engine-characters.
//ConfigCharacter captcha config for captcha-engine-characters. type ConfigCharacter struct { // Height png height in pixel. // 图像验证码的高度像素. Height int // Width Captcha png width in pixel. // 图像验证码的宽度像素 Width int //Mode : // base64captcha.CaptchaModeNumber=0, // base64captcha.CaptchaModeAlphabet=1, // base64captcha.CaptchaModeArithmetic=2, // base64captcha.CaptchaModeNumberAlphabet=3, // base64captcha.CaptchaModeChinese=4, // base64captcha.CaptchaModeUseSequencedCharacters=5 Mode int //IsUseSimpleFont is use simply font(...base64Captcha/fonts/RitaSmith.ttf). IsUseSimpleFont bool //ComplexOfNoiseText text noise count. // CaptchaComplexLower / CaptchaComplexMedium / CaptchaComplexHigh ComplexOfNoiseText int //ComplexOfNoiseDot dot noise count. ComplexOfNoiseDot int //IsShowHollowLine is show hollow line. IsShowHollowLine bool //IsShowNoiseDot is show noise dot. IsShowNoiseDot bool //IsShowNoiseText is show noise text. IsShowNoiseText bool //IsShowSlimeLine is show slime line. IsShowSlimeLine bool //IsShowSineLine is show sine line. IsShowSineLine bool //CaptchaRunePairs make a list of rune for Captcha random selection. // 随机字符串可选内容 ChineseCharacterSource string // SequencedCharacters make a list of sequenced runes for Captcha random selection // Choose Mode base64captcha.CaptchaModeUseSequencedCharacters // 随机字符串可选内容,词组内部保证顺序,使用模式CaptchaModeUseSequencedCharacters 使用 SequencedCharacters []string //UseCJKFonts: ask if shell uses CJKFonts (now including 文泉驿微米黑) // 是否使用CJK字体 UseCJKFonts bool // CaptchaLen Default number of digits in captcha solution. // 默认数字验证长度6. CaptchaLen int //BgColor captcha image background color (optional) //背景颜色 BgColor *color.RGBA }
- CaptchaInterface
type CaptchaInterface interface { //BinaryEncodeing covert to bytes BinaryEncodeing() []byte //WriteTo output captcha entity WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) }
func GenerateCaptcha(idKey string, configuration interface{}) (id string, captchaInstance CaptchaInterface)
return CaptchaInterface instance.func CaptchaWriteToBase64Encoding(cap CaptchaInterface) string
captcha base64 encodeing.func VerifyCaptcha(identifier, verifyValue string) bool
verify the captcha content by identifierKeyfunc RandomId() string
Server Create Random IdentifierKey
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run main.go
server {
listen 80;
charset utf-8;
location / {
try_files /_not_exists_ @backend;
location @backend {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
pro=xy_set_header Host $http_host;
access_log /home/wwwlogs/;
Go to http://localhost:777
Congratulations! You've just built your first base64Captcha-APIs app. Any question you can leave a message. If you like the package please star this repo
base64Captcha source code is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (