As a
Mojaloop Community member making use of FX conversion in mojaloop
I want to
ensure that the FX implementation POC is standardized
so that
it can be merged into master and ultimately included in a release of mojaloop and used.
Note: This story was initially implemented in the POC and needs to be hardened with full testing so that it can be merged into master.
The followin components need to be addressed in this story.
- fulfil handler: implement the rest of logic, and then needs to be hardened
(This excludes timeouts and aborts, and position fulfil updates, as they are captured in another story.)
Acceptance Criteria:
- Verify that error cases are mapped and documented.
- Verify that the integration test are added to test the error cases.
- Verify that unit test are added
- Verify that all mojaloop core standards are met
Complexity: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating
Uncertainty: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating
- Add implementation of all corner cases [done]
- Add unit-tests [done]
- Add integration-tests [done]
- Acceptance Criteria pass
- Designs are up-to date
- Unit Tests pass
- Integration Tests pass
- Code Style & Coverage meets standards
- Changes made to config (default.json) are broadcast to team and follow-up tasks added to update helm charts and other deployment config.
Pull Requests:
- feat(mojaloop/#3844): added TopicMap mapping for fx-flow central-services-shared#369
- feat(mojaloop/#3844): added corner cases impl. for FX; added unit-tests central-ledger#1006
- feat(mojaloop/#3844): added integration tests for fxFulfil flow central-ledger#1011
- N/A
- N/A
- Owner: TBC
- QA/Review: TBC