A Java project to explain concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.
Blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called "block". Each block contains-
- Transaction Data
- Hash
- Previous block's hash
- Timestamp
- Nonce
- Block
- Wallet
- Transaction
- TransactionInput
- TransactionOutput
- Creation of block
- Mining of a block
- Check integrity of Blockchain
- Generating hash using SHA256
- Generating private and public keys for wallet
- Generating signature in transaction
- Concept of inputs and outputs
- Calculation of amount in wallet
- Process a transaction
- Send funds
This is the rough Notes of Blockchain created by me. I will write a detailed article about it soon. Till then you can read it to clear some quick concepts- Blockchain Notes
Note:- For now, Block contains single string as transaction data. It will be replaced by list of transactions.