Now you can train and build custom ML models on AWS Sagemaker using Docker
In the container directory are all the components you need to package the sample algorithm for Amazon SageMager:
|-- Dockerfile
-- linear_svm |-- nginx.conf |-- |-- serve |-- train
The following shell code shows how to build the container image using docker build and push the container image to ECR using docker push. This code is also available as the shell script container/, which you can run as keyword-intent to build the image keyword-intent
This code looks for an ECR repository in the account you're using and the current default region (if you're using a SageMaker notebook instance, this will be the region where the notebook instance was created). If the repository doesn't exist, the script will create it.
%%sh Steps :- #The name of our algorithm algorithm_name=keyword-model #you can choose any name
#your current dir should be the container folder
chmod +x linear_svm/train chmod +x linear_svm/serve
account=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
region=$(aws configure get region) fullname="${account}.dkr.ecr.${region}${algorithm_name}:latest"
aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names "${algorithm_name}" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [
docker build -t ${algorithm_name} .
Run "docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/local_test/test_dir:/opt/ml algorithm_name train" --> To train your model and save weights in required folder in pickle format
docker tag ${algorithm_name} ${fullname}
docker push ${fullname}
Run only for training the model OR Run runjob-withdeploy(with endpoints).py only for training the model and deploying the endpoints
Now for generating predictions then run where payload.csv is our input file