Data Analyst Project using SQL & Tableau- Covid-19 Data Exploration Project
- This project involves extracting the Covid-19 data (Covid deaths and vaccinations related) ranging from early February, 2020 to the end of Decembre, 2021.
- Then, undertaking basic data cleaning and querying on MS SQL Server to explore insights out of the data.
- At last, building visaualizaions on Tableau Public (including forecast analysis to predict the trend of Percent of population infected in some specific countries).
Dataset Source: Tableau Public Dashboard Link:
A SQL data cleaning project using the Nashville housing dataset
The following task completed for this project:
- Standardized date format using CAST and updated the table.
- By using a SELF JOIN, populated the PropertyAddress fields where the value is NULL.
- Broken out PropertyAddress and OwnerAddress fields into individual columns using SUBSTRING and PARSENAME functions.
- Changing Y and N to Yes and No in the SoldAsVacant field using CASE statement.
- Removed Duplicates using ROW_NUMBER, PARTITION BY, and CTE.
- Deleted a few unused fields using the DROP command.
- Cleaning Data with power Query
- Create Pivot Table
- Create a Dashboard