Implement a library. The library already has a list of books included in it initially. This list is saved into a text file. Each book has an id (identification number), a name and a quantity. Implementing this application by loading the list into an array of structure before dealing with it.
- Insert a book (id, name, quantity). (tha changes saved into file at the end)
- Delete a book by id (tha changes saved into file at the end)
Search a book by id and display its name and quantity using linear search recursively. If not exist, display “Not found”.
Search a book by name and display its id and quantity using binary search. If not exist, display “Not found”.
Display all books sorted by name, and their corresponding ids and quantity.
Display all books unsorted, their ids, names and quantity (as entered)
After each operation, Ask the user if he wants to perform any additional operation
o If yes, let him choose another operation.
o If no, exit from the program
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