BUG: external implementations need ray, dask, or hdk installed to run as custom execution #5308
Modin version checks
I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.
I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest released version of Modin.
I have confirmed this bug exists on the main branch of Modin. (In order to do this you can follow this guide.)
Reproducible Example
from modin import set_execution
from modin.config import StorageFormat, Engine
from modin.core.storage_formats.pandas.query_compiler import PandasQueryCompiler
from modin.core.execution.dispatching.factories import factories
from modin.core.execution.python.implementations.pandas_on_python.io import ( # noqa: E402
import modin.pandas as pd
class MyCustomQueryCompiler(PandasQueryCompiler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"initializing MyCustomQueryCompiler! this query compiler is not part of modin."
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class MyCustomIO(PandasOnPythonIO):
query_compiler_cls = MyCustomQueryCompiler
class MyCustomFactory(factories.BaseFactory):
def prepare(cls):
cls.io_cls = MyCustomIO
factories.CustomOnCustomFactory = MyCustomFactory
set_execution("Custom", "Custom")
df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7]])
assert isinstance(df._query_compiler, MyCustomQueryCompiler)
Issue Description
The examples shown here works in a fresh conda environment with pip install modin[ray]
, but not in one with just pip install modin
. From the stack trace you can see that setting an engine requires getting the default engine, which Modin can't find.
Expected Behavior
Users should be able to run Modin on custom storage and engine without having to have ray, dask, or HDK installed.
Error Logs
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/config/pubsub.py:260, in Parameter.get(cls)
259 try:
--> 260 raw = cls._get_raw_from_config()
261 except KeyError:
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/config/envvars.py:53, in EnvironmentVariable._get_raw_from_config(cls)
52 raise TypeError("varname should not be None")
---> 53 return os.environ[cls.varname]
File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/modin-dev-py38/lib/python3.8/os.py:675, in _Environ.__getitem__(self, key)
673 except KeyError:
674 # raise KeyError with the original key value
--> 675 raise KeyError(key) from None
676 return self.decodevalue(value)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 33>()
30 StorageFormat.add_option("Custom")
31 Engine.add_option("Custom")
---> 33 set_execution("Custom", "Custom")
35 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7]])
36 assert isinstance(df._query_compiler, MyCustomQueryCompiler)
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/__init__.py:60, in set_execution(engine, storage_format)
58 # defer callbacks until both entities are set
59 if engine is not None:
---> 60 old_engine = Engine._put_nocallback(engine)
61 if storage_format is not None:
62 old_storage_format = StorageFormat._put_nocallback(storage_format)
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/config/pubsub.py:323, in Parameter._put_nocallback(cls, value)
321 raise ValueError(f"Unsupported value: {value}")
322 value = _TYPE_PARAMS[cls.type].normalize(value)
--> 323 oldvalue, cls._value = cls.get(), value
324 return oldvalue
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/config/pubsub.py:262, in Parameter.get(cls)
260 raw = cls._get_raw_from_config()
261 except KeyError:
--> 262 cls._value = cls._get_default()
263 cls._value_source = ValueSource.DEFAULT
264 else:
File ~/software_sources/modin/modin/config/envvars.py:154, in Engine._get_default(cls)
148 raise ImportError(
149 "Please `pip install unidist[mpi]` to install compatible unidist on MPI "
150 + "version "
151 + f"(>={MIN_UNIDIST_VERSION})."
152 )
153 return "Unidist"
--> 154 raise ImportError(
155 "Please refer to installation documentation page to install an engine"
156 )
ImportError: Please refer to installation documentation page to install an engine
Installed Versions
Note I had to install dask for show_versions
to work, whereas in the original environment I didn't have dask.
commit : 68b1f86
python : 3.8.13.final.0
python-bits : 64
OS : Darwin
OS-release : 21.5.0
Version : Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:22 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_X86_64
machine : x86_64
processor : i386
byteorder : little
LC_ALL : None
LANG : en_US.UTF-8
Modin dependencies
modin : 0.17.0+33.g68b1f86b
ray : None
dask : 2022.11.1
distributed : None
hdk : None
pandas dependencies
pandas : 1.5.2
numpy : 1.23.1
pytz : 2022.1
dateutil : 2.8.2
setuptools : 61.2.0
pip : 22.1.2
Cython : None
pytest : 7.1.2
hypothesis : None
sphinx : 5.1.1
blosc : None
feather : 0.4.1
xlsxwriter : None
lxml.etree : 4.9.1
html5lib : None
pymysql : None
psycopg2 : None
jinja2 : 3.1.2
IPython : 8.4.0
pandas_datareader: None
bs4 : 4.11.1
bottleneck : None
brotli : None
fastparquet : 2022.11.0
fsspec : 2022.7.1
gcsfs : None
matplotlib : 3.5.2
numba : None
numexpr : 2.8.3
odfpy : None
openpyxl : 3.0.10
pandas_gbq : 0.17.7
pyarrow : 8.0.0
pyreadstat : None
pyxlsb : None
s3fs : 2022.7.1
scipy : 1.9.0
snappy : None
sqlalchemy : 1.4.39
tables : 3.7.0
tabulate : 0.9.0
xarray : 2022.6.0
xlrd : 2.0.1
xlwt : None
zstandard : None
tzdata : None