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Refactor sql-sync extensions (drush-ops#2586)
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New sanitizers should be command files which implement \Drush\Commands\sql\SqlSanitizePluginInterface. You may use any Drupal API you please, instead of just returning SQL.
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weitzman authored Feb 4, 2017
1 parent e6a67c0 commit 66c433a
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197 changes: 0 additions & 197 deletions commands/sql/
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Expand Up @@ -5,106 +5,6 @@
* Drush sql commands

* Implements hook_drush_help_alter().
function sql_drush_help_alter(&$command) {
// Drupal 7+ only options.
if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) {
if ($command['commandfile'] == 'sql') {

* Safely bootstrap Drupal to the point where we can
* access the database configuration.
function drush_sql_bootstrap_database_configuration() {
// Under Drupal 7, if the database is configured but empty, then
// If this happens, we'll just catch it and continue.
// TODO: Fix this in the bootstrap, per
try {
catch (Exception $e) {

* Check whether further bootstrap is needed. If so, do it.
function drush_sql_bootstrap_further() {
if (!drush_get_option(array('db-url', 'db-spec'))) {

// @todo Remove once sql-sync and archive-dump are using \Drush\Commands\OptionsCommands::optionsetTableSelection
function drush_sql_get_table_selection_options() {
return array(
'skip-tables-key' => 'A key in the $skip_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.',
'structure-tables-key' => 'A key in the $structure_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.',
'tables-key' => 'A key in the $tables array. Optional.',
'skip-tables-list' => 'A comma-separated list of tables to exclude completely. Optional.',
'structure-tables-list' => 'A comma-separated list of tables to include for structure, but not data. Optional.',
'tables-list' => 'A comma-separated list of tables to transfer. Optional.',

* Call from a pre-sql-sync hook to register an sql
* query to be executed in the post-sql-sync hook.
* @see drush_sql_pre_sql_sync() and @see drush_sql_post_sql_sync().
* @param $id
* String containing an identifier representing this
* operation. This id is not actually used at the
* moment, it is just used to fufill the contract
* of drush contexts.
* @param $message
* String with the confirmation message that describes
* to the user what the post-sync operation is going
* to do. This confirmation message is printed out
* just before the user is asked whether or not the
* sql-sync operation should be continued.
* @param $query
* String containing the sql query to execute. If no
* query is provided, then the confirmation message will
* be displayed to the user, but no action will be taken
* in the post-sync hook. This is useful for drush modules
* that wish to provide their own post-sync hooks to fix
* up the target database in other ways (e.g. through
* Drupal APIs).
function drush_sql_register_post_sync_op($id, $message, $query = NULL) {
$options = drush_get_context('post-sync-ops');

$options[$id] = array('message' => $message, 'query' => $query);

drush_set_context('post-sync-ops', $options);

* Builds a confirmation message for all post-sync operations.
* @return string
* All post-sync operation messages concatenated together.
function _drush_sql_get_post_sync_messages() {
$messages = '';
$operations = drush_get_context('post-sync-ops');
if (!empty($operations)) {
$messages = dt('The following operations will be done on the target database:') . "\n";

$bullets = array_column($operations, 'message');
$messages .= " * " . implode("\n * ", $bullets) . "\n";
return $messages;

* Wrapper for drush_get_class; instantiates an driver-specific instance
* of SqlBase class.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,100 +57,3 @@ function drush_sql_get_class($db_spec = NULL) {
function drush_sql_get_version() {
return drush_get_class('Drush\Sql\Sql', array(), array(drush_drupal_major_version())) ?: NULL;

* Implements hook_drush_sql_sync_sanitize().
* Sanitize usernames, passwords, and sessions when the --sanitize option is used.
* It is also an example of how to write a database sanitizer for sql sync.
* To write your own sync hook function, define mymodule_drush_sql_sync_sanitize()
* in and follow the form of this function to add your own
* database sanitization operations via the register post-sync op function;
* @see drush_sql_register_post_sync_op(). This is the only thing that the
* sync hook function needs to do; sql-sync takes care of the rest.
* The function below has a lot of logic to process user preferences and
* generate the correct SQL regardless of whether Postgres, Mysql,
* Drupal 6/7/8 is in use. A simpler sanitize function that
* always used default values and only worked with Drupal 6 + mysql
* appears in the drush.api.php. @see hook_drush_sql_sync_sanitize().
function sql_drush_sql_sync_sanitize($site) {
$site_settings = drush_sitealias_get_record($site);
$databases = sitealias_get_databases_from_record($site_settings);
$major_version = drush_drupal_major_version();
$wrap_table_name = (bool) drush_get_option('db-prefix');
$user_table_updates = array();
$message_list = array();

// Sanitize passwords.
$newpassword = drush_get_option(array('sanitize-password', 'destination-sanitize-password'), 'password');
if ($newpassword != 'no' && $newpassword !== 0) {
$pw_op = "";

// In Drupal 6, passwords are hashed via the MD5 algorithm.
if ($major_version == 6) {
$pw_op = "MD5('$newpassword')";
// In Drupal 7, passwords are hashed via a more complex algorithm,
// available via the user_hash_password function.
elseif ($major_version == 7) {
include_once $core . '/includes/';
include_once $core . '/includes/';
$hash = user_hash_password($newpassword);
$pw_op = "'$hash'";
else {
// D8+. Mimic Drupal's /scripts/
$password_hasher = \Drupal::service('password');
$hash = $password_hasher->hash($newpassword);
$pw_op = "'$hash'";
if (!empty($pw_op)) {
$user_table_updates[] = "pass = $pw_op";
$message_list[] = "passwords";

// Sanitize email addresses.
$newemail = drush_get_option(array('sanitize-email', 'destination-sanitize-email'), 'user+%uid@localhost.localdomain');
if ($newemail != 'no' && $newemail !== 0) {
if (strpos($newemail, '%') !== FALSE) {
// We need a different sanitization query for Postgres and Mysql.

$db_driver = $databases['default']['default']['driver'];
if ($db_driver == 'pgsql') {
$email_map = array('%uid' => "' || uid || '", '%mail' => "' || replace(mail, '@', '_') || '", '%name' => "' || replace(name, ' ', '_') || '");
$newmail = "'" . str_replace(array_keys($email_map), array_values($email_map), $newemail) . "'";
elseif ($db_driver == 'mssql') {
$email_map = array('%uid' => "' + uid + '", '%mail' => "' + replace(mail, '@', '_') + '", '%name' => "' + replace(name, ' ', '_') + '");
$newmail = "'" . str_replace(array_keys($email_map), array_values($email_map), $newemail) . "'";
else {
$email_map = array('%uid' => "', uid, '", '%mail' => "', replace(mail, '@', '_'), '", '%name' => "', replace(name, ' ', '_'), '");
$newmail = "concat('" . str_replace(array_keys($email_map), array_values($email_map), $newemail) . "')";
$user_table_updates[] = "mail = $newmail, init = $newmail";
else {
$user_table_updates[] = "mail = '$newemail', init = '$newemail'";
$message_list[] = 'email addresses';

if (!empty($user_table_updates)) {
$table = $major_version >= 8 ? 'users_field_data' : 'users';
if ($wrap_table_name) {
$table = "{{$table}}";
$sanitize_query = "UPDATE {$table} SET " . implode(', ', $user_table_updates) . " WHERE uid > 0;";
drush_sql_register_post_sync_op('user-email', dt('Reset !message in !table table', array('!message' => implode(' and ', $message_list), '!table' => $table)), $sanitize_query);

$sanitizer = new \Drush\Commands\core\SanitizeCommands();
98 changes: 5 additions & 93 deletions drush.api.php
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Expand Up @@ -272,18 +272,14 @@ function drush_hook_pre_pm_enable() {

* Sql-sync sanitization example.
* Sql-sanitize example.
* This is equivalent to the built-in --sanitize option of sql-sync, but
* simplified to only work with default values on Drupal 6 + mysql.
* These plugins sanitize the DB, usually removing personal information.
* @see sql_drush_sql_sync_sanitize()
* @see \Drush\Commands\sql\SqlSanitizePluginInterface
function hook_drush_sql_sync_sanitize($source) {
$table = drush_get_option('db-prefix') ? '{users}' : 'users';
dt('Reset passwords and email addresses in user table.'),
"UPDATE $table SET pass = MD5('password'), mail = concat('user+', uid, '@localhost') WHERE uid > 0;");
function sanitize() {}
function messages() {}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,90 +311,6 @@ function hook_drush_cache_clear(&$types, $include_bootstrapped_types) {
$types['views'] = 'views_invalidate_cache';

* Inform drush about one or more engine types.
* This hook allow to declare available engine types, the cli option to select
* between engine implementatins, which one to use by default, global options
* and other parameters. Commands may override this info when declaring the
* engines they use.
* @return array
* An array whose keys are engine type names and whose values describe
* the characteristics of the engine type in relation to command definitions:
* - description: The engine type description.
* - topic: If specified, the name of the topic command that will
* display the automatically generated topic for this engine.
* - topic-file: If specified, the path to the file that will be
* displayed at the head of the automatically generated topic for
* this engine. This path is relative to the Drush root directory;
* non-core commandfiles should therefore use:
* 'topic-file' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/mytopic.html';
* - topics: If set, contains a list of topics that should be added to
* the "Topics" section of any command that uses this engine. Note
* that if 'topic' is set, it will automatically be added to the topics
* list, and therefore does not need to also be listed here.
* - option: The command line option to choose an implementation for
* this engine type.
* FALSE means there's no option. That is, the engine type is for internal
* usage of the command and thus an implementation is not selectable.
* - default: The default implementation to use by the engine type.
* - options: Engine options common to all implementations.
* - add-options-to-command: If there's a single implementation for this
* engine type, add its options as command level options.
* - combine-help: If there are multiple implementations for this engine
* type, then instead of adding multiple help items in the form of
* --engine-option=engine-type [description], instead combine all help
* options into a single --engine-option that lists the different possible
* values that can be used.
* @see drush_get_engine_types_info()
* @see pm_drush_engine_type_info()
function hook_drush_engine_type_info() {
return array(
'dessert' => array(
'description' => 'Choose a dessert while the sandwich is baked.',
'option' => 'dessert',
'default' => 'ice-cream',
'options' => 'sweetness',
'add-options-to-command' => FALSE,

* Inform drush about one or more engines implementing a given engine type.
* - description: The engine implementation's description.
* - implemented-by: The engine that actually implements this engine.
* This is useful to allow the implementation of similar engines
* in the reference one.
* Defaults to the engine type key (e.g. 'ice-cream').
* - verbose-only: The engine implementation will only appear in help
* output in --verbose mode.
* This hook allow to declare implementations for an engine type.
* @see pm_drush_engine_package_handler()
* @see pm_drush_engine_version_control()
function hook_drush_engine_ENGINE_TYPE() {
return array(
'ice-cream' => array(
'description' => 'Feature rich ice-cream with all kind of additives.',
'options' => array(
'flavour' => 'Choose your favorite flavour',
'frozen-yogurt' => array(
'description' => 'Frozen dairy dessert made with yogurt instead of milk and cream.',
'implemented-by' => 'ice-cream',

* Alter the order that hooks are invoked.
Expand Down
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions includes/
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Expand Up @@ -166,21 +166,3 @@ function _drush_drupal_parse_info_file($data, $merge_item = NULL) {
function drush_cid_install_profile() {
return drush_get_cid('install_profile', array(), array(drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_SITE_CONF_PATH')));

* An array of options shared by sql-sanitize and sql-sync commands.
function drupal_sanitize_options() {
return array(
'sanitize-password' => array(
'description' => 'The password to assign to all accounts in the sanitization operation, or "no" to keep passwords unchanged.',
'example-value' => 'password',
'value' => 'required',
'sanitize-email' => array(
'description' => 'The pattern for test email addresses in the sanitization operation, or "no" to keep email addresses unchanged. May contain replacement patterns %uid, %mail or %name.',
'example-value' => 'user+%uid@localhost',
'value' => 'required',

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