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Client supplied ID is used to look up existing clients in inheritSession, while the store of existing actually uses the server assigned if one exists. #416



I am still debugging and investigating this, so hopefully it is not human error. Figured I would post in case anyone else is experiencing it or able to easily reproduce it.

Happens to me on versions > 2.6.0, I did not test lower than that because my code is not compatible without some changes, so I decided to try to investigate the issue (or my misconfiguration).

I am using protocol version 5 clients (mqttjs, specifically).

Here is my server config:

server := mqtt.New(&mqtt.Options{
		InlineClient: true,
		Capabilities: &mqtt.Capabilities{
			MaximumClients:               math.MaxUint16,
			MaximumSessionExpiryInterval: 0,              // maximum number of seconds to keep disconnected sessions
			MaximumMessageExpiryInterval: 60 * 60 * 24,   // maximum message expiry if message expiry is 0 or over
			ReceiveMaximum:               1024,           // maximum number of concurrent qos messages per client
			MaximumQos:                   1,              // maxmimum qos value available to clients
			RetainAvailable:              1,              // retain messages is available
			MaximumPacketSize:            0,              // no maximum packet size
			TopicAliasMaximum:            math.MaxUint16, // maximum topic alias value
			WildcardSubAvailable:         1,              // wildcard subscriptions are available
			SubIDAvailable:               1,              // subscription identifiers are available
			SharedSubAvailable:           1,              // shared subscriptions are available
			MinimumProtocolVersion:       3,              // minimum supported mqtt version (3.0.0)
			MaximumClientWritesPending:   1024 * 8,

Here is my client settings:

 keepalive: 60,
  reconnectPeriod: 5000,
  clean: false, //I've tried true as well, and with no assigned client id below
  clientId: 'bob',
  debug: true,
  rejectUnauthorized: false,

Here is a screenshot of both my client simultaneously connected, and not being forcefully disconnected (also no client takeover occurred according to my logs.

Now if I publish a message, only one of them gets it (the latest to connect I think). Now this does seem like a client takeover.

So the 2 issues are:

  • Client who was taken over, is not disconnected
  • client event of this exchange is not set or happening (I log client takeovers, and not being detected)

Here is the code I am using to do that which used to work I think in older versions:

func (h *ConnectionStatusHook) OnDisconnect(client *mqtt.Client, err error, expire bool) {
	if client.StopCause() == packets.ErrSessionTakenOver {
		logErr := h.LogConnectionState(client.ID, CLIENT_TAKEOVER)
		if logErr != nil {
			h.Log.Error("Error logging client takeover", "error", err)

On the metrics page I can see:

"version": "2.6.4",
"started": 1721337314,
"time": 1721337637,
"uptime": 323,
"bytes_received": 322,
"bytes_sent": 442,
"clients_connected": 2,
"clients_disconnected": 0,
"clients_maximum": 3,
"clients_total": 2,
"messages_received": 2,
"messages_sent": 3,
"messages_dropped": 0,
"retained": 0,
"inflight": 0,
"inflight_dropped": 0,
"subscriptions": 1,
"packets_received": 22,
"packets_sent": 22,
"memory_alloc": 3694592,
"threads": 15

Which is my 2 clients. Since its not being disconnected I guess is why the client stop isn't being detected. What's also interesting is the subscriptions count is actually only 1. Also when I ctrl+c the 2 terminals with the connections, I get the debug log of each disconnecting (and using the same client id).

So the root of the issue I think is the lack of the disconnect.

I'll try to see if I can find a fix or where the issue is!


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