Fix CustomAuth bug #500
8 warnings
build (bluepill_f103c8_128k)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (esp32dev)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (nodemcuv2)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (mkr1000USB)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (mkrwifi1010)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (lolin32)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (teensy41)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
build (d1_mini)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more: