A library for capturing your DOM.
Right now, there are no instructions on how to use capture.js standalone. Please go to www.mobifyjs.com for information on how to use capturing.
Get NodeJS v8.10 with npm v5.7: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
npm install
$(npm bin)/bower install
Then, run the following command to watch and build the capture.js file as you develop:
$(npm bin)/grunt serve
To run the tests in your browser
$(npm bin)/grunt serve
open http://localhost:3000/tests/index.html
To run the tests from the commandline
$(npm bin)/grunt test
To run the tests across several browsers using suacelabs
export SAUCE_USERNAME=<saucelabs username>
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<saucelabs access key>
$(npm bin)/grunt saucelabs
You can monitor test progress via the suacelabs dashbaord: https://app.saucelabs.com/dashboard/tests
The test suite will likely take several minutes to run across the test matrix
defined in Gruntfile.js
Then, do the following to ship the change:
- Make your code changes
- Ensure the tests still work in your browser, on the commandline, in continuous integration and in Sauce Labs
- Create a pull-request
- Get your change reviewed and 👍'ed
Talk to @stellafang, @noahadams or @johnboxall