To expand on the
file, consider including the following sections:
- Project Description: A brief overview of what the Manufacturing DBMS does.
- Features: Key features of the system.
- Installation: Steps to install and set up the project.
- Usage: Instructions on how to use the system.
- Contributing: Guidelines for contributing to the project.
- License: Information about the project's license.
Here is an example:
# Manufacturing DBMS
## Project Description
Manufacturing DBMS is a database management system designed to streamline and optimize manufacturing processes. It provides tools for managing production schedules, inventory, and quality control.
## Features
- Production schedule management
- Inventory tracking
- Quality control reporting
- Real-time analytics and reporting
## Installation
1. Clone the repository: `git clone`
2. Navigate to the project directory: `cd Manufacturing-DBMS`
3. Install dependencies: `composer install`
4. Set up the database: `php artisan migrate`
## Usage
- Start the development server: `php artisan serve`
- Access the application at `http://localhost:8000`
## Contributing
We welcome contributions! Please read our [contributing guidelines]( for more details.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
Feel free to modify this template to better suit your project's specifics.