docker-ubuntu-desktop Public
Forked from gezp/docker-ubuntu-desktopDocker Image for Ubuntu Desktop which support HW GPU accelerated GUI apps. you can access the Container with ssh or remote desktop, just like Cloud VM.
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2024 -
intro-to-webrtc-learn-in-urdu Public
Forked from bilalshahzad139/intro-to-webrtc-learn-in-urduhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye7PtovMzb4
JavaScript UpdatedJun 15, 2020 -
FluentEmail Public
Forked from lukencode/FluentEmail.NET Core email sending
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2019 -
bootstrap-tagsinput Public
Forked from mdbootstrap/bootstrap-templatesjQuery tags input plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 2, 2019 -
openface Public
Forked from cmusatyalab/openfaceFace recognition with deep neural networks.
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 1, 2019 -
face_recognition Public
Forked from ageitgey/face_recognitionThe world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
research-papers Public
Forked from TessFerrandez/research-papersJupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 7, 2019 -
api-plugin-for-nopcommerce Public
Forked from SevenSpikes/api-plugin-for-nopcommerceAPI plugin for nopCommerce
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2019 -
angular-commerce Public
Forked from NodeArt/angular-commerceAngular components for scaffolding online store
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2019 -
startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 Public
Forked from StartBootstrap/startbootstrap-sb-admin-2A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap
CSS MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2019 -
fb_scraper Public
Forked from isaacmg/fb_scraperFBLYZE is a Facebook scraping system and analysis system.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 12, 2019 -
deepface Public
Forked from Zumbalamambo/deepfaceDeep Learning Models for Face Detection/Recognition/Alignments, implemented in Tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2018 -
Ultimate-Facebook-Scraper Public
Forked from harismuneer/Ultimate-Social-Scrapers🔥 A bot which scrapes almost everything about a Facebook user's profile including all public posts/statuses available on the user's timeline, uploaded photos, tagged photos, videos, friends list an…
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 30, 2018 -
Plugins Public
Forked from DataTables/PluginsPlug-ins for DataTables
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 25, 2018 -
Face-recognition-using-deep-learning Public
Forked from sumantrajoshi/Face-recognition-using-deep-learningBasic face recognizer which can identify the face of the person(s) showing on a web cam.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 15, 2018 -
EagleEye Public
Forked from ThoughtfulDev/EagleEyeStalk your Friends. Find their Instagram, FB and Twitter Profiles using Image Recognition and Reverse Image Search.
Python Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedSep 21, 2018 -
Speaker-Identification-Python Public
Forked from Atul-Anand-Jha/Speaker-Identification-PythonSpeaker Identification System (upto 100% accuracy); built using Python 2.7 and python_speech_features library
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 4, 2018 -
py-spidev Public
Forked from Gadgetoid/py-spidevC GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 27, 2018 -
webrtc-video-chat Public
Forked from mgiuliani/webrtc-video-chatWebRTC and SignalR Video Chat
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 28, 2014