Customed chatbot based on prompted roles with Python, Streamlit, SQLite, and ChatGPT API.
- Chatbot 1: Generic by single prompt.
- Chatbot 2: Customer services with chain of thoughts.
- Chatbot 3: Allow for user to thumbs up and down
- Disable like / not like when generate.
- One question at a time.
- Need to extract data with LLMs
- Log feedbacks in database (Feedbacks)
- Authentication for single user per feedbacks
- How to allow manager to insert data (Azure Intelligence Docs? or Forms?)
- Use to train/assist multiple people with a small amount of documentation.
- Create a form to submit "context", then store in database so that the bot has more information.
- Maybe create a customed form of attributes. Store in database.
conda create -n atom python=3.8
conda activate atom
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
streamlit run