This project is a single-page Tasks / To-Do list app made using Vue.js, mainly for learning purposes.
The app is now live at
To use the app, just start by deleting the 3 default tasks, and you're ready to go!
- Unlimited adding of tasks
- Re-ordering of tasks by drag & drop
- Live search / filtering of your task list
- In-line editing of task titles
- Trash function for completed tasks (also Un-Trash, as an added bonus)
- Ability to tag tasks with words or colour labels
- Ability to add custom word tags
- Keyboard navigation
- Export your tasks in .csv or .json formats
- Autosaving of the task list to browser storage
- Should also work offline
Laracasts, TodoMVC & the GitHub community.
General feedback, comments, questions, praise and abuse are welcome in the Issues section.