Describe the mistake
Formula (9.62) and (9.63a) use E_θ and Cov_θ for the expected value and covariance of Y|X.
I believe it should be E and Cov. That is, not with respect to θ only since Y|X=(Xθ + e)|X with θ and e independent random variables.
- version: 2019-12-07
- Chapter: 9
- page: 312
- line number/equation number: Formula (9.62) and (9.63a)
Proposed solution
Replace E_θ and Cov_θ by E and Cov respectively.
Furthermore, the conditioning on X should not be dropped.
The formula would be:
(9.62) E[Y | X ] = E[Xθ + e | X] = X E[θ] = X m_0 .
(9.63a) Cov[Y|X ] = Cov[Xθ | X] + Cov[e] = X Cov[θ] X' + σ^2 I