This repository contains a Flask app for the study of English irregular verbs.
- Study irregular verbs (~200 verbs)
- Italian translation
- Test your knowledge of irregular verbs
To install the app, clone this repositories and create a conda env with these packages:
- python >3.7
- Flask >2.0.0
- pandas >1.5.0
python3 <path_to_folder>/
The app is active and the running path will be printed on the terminal. Copy the path to a browser and start using the app.
On the main page, select "study" to see the list of all irregular verbs (present simple, past simple, past participle) and their Italian translation. On the main page, select "test" and start a 10-verbs test. For each verb, one of the 4 declination is given, you have to insert the other 3.Once finished, a page with all the verbs will open, with correct verbs highlighted in green and the wrong ones in red with the correction.