Implementation of DiffDock: Diffusion Steps, Twists, and Turns for Molecular Docking
Cancer Drug Response Prediction via a Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network
Spatial Transcriptomic Analysis using Reference-Free auxiliarY deep generative modeling and Shared Histology
Drug Response Prediction and Biomarker Discovery Using Multi-Modal Deep Learning
This is the package of GuanLab's winning algorithm in the NCI-CPTAC DREAM Proteogenomics Challenge
Classification of Breast Cancer diagnosis Using Support Vector Machines
Data and code for paper "A data-driven approach for predicting the impact of drugs on the human microbiome"
Official Python client for accessing ChEMBL API
Deep learning and Bayesian approach applied to enzyme turnover number for the improvement of enzyme-constrained genome-scale metabolic models (ecGEMs) reconstruction
Processing the DisGeNET database of disease–gene association
Python package to atom map, correct and suggest enzymatic reactions
Official implementation for AAAI 2022 paper: "GeomGCL: Geometric Graph Contrastive Learning for Molecular Property Prediction".
Transformer for End to End Molecule Property Prediction
[IJCAI 2023] Graph Propagation Transformer for Graph Representation Learning
Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
Action sequence prediction for arbitrary chemical equations
Python package for visualizing MS images from line scans
alexandrovteam / pyImagingMSpec
Forked from andy-d-palmer/pyIMStools for manipulating imaging mass spectrometry data in python