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Fedora LLVM Clang ASAN UBSAN to build & check R package before CRAN submission

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updated: 2023-12-02: I modified the Dockerfile_fedora_clang file so that the latest clang version is installed

Currently, as of August 2022, there is an issue when building an ASAN-UBSAN docker image using the latest Fedora version, which seems to be related to a change in 'glibc'

A temporary solution is to include one of the following two commands in the docker run command (runtime):

  • --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined
  • --security-opt seccomp=unconfined

References (related to the 'glibc' issue)

Reproducing the CRAN script (so that LLVM, Clang can be built from source) using a Github Action is not an option, because the workflow requires more disk space than available (even after using a Github Action step to reduce the disk space). Thus, by using the latest Fedora version an LLVM-Clang version close to the CRAN requirement is installed so that an R package can be checked for ASAN-UBSAN errors.

There are a couple of ways that the Docker image can be used:

1. From the command line (the user can bind a directory such as 'pkg_dir', that includes an R package, in my case 'OpenImageR')

  • docker pull mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest
  • docker image ls
  • docker run -it mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest clang --version
  • docker run --rm -ti --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v /home/pkg_dir:/pkg_dir mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest
  • dnf install -y openssl-devel
  • RDsan
  • install.packages('devtools', dependencies = TRUE, repos = '')
  • install.packages(c( 'Rcpp', 'graphics', 'grDevices', 'grid', 'shiny', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff', 'R6', 'RcppArmadillo', 'testthat', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown', 'covr', 'remotes' ), repos = '')
  • setwd('/pkg_dir')
  • system("RDsan CMD build OpenImageR")
  • system("RDsan CMD check --as-cran OpenImageR_1.2.5.tar.gz")

2. From an R session using a saved bash file (see the file in this repo) in a specified by the user pkg_dir directory that includes the (R & system) requirements. Assuming 'docker' and 'R' are already installed in the Operating System a user can use the following by first openning a command line window (the 'pkg_dir' is a positional parameter when using '/bin/bash' in 'docker run')

  • R (begin an R session)
  • system("docker pull mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest")
  • system("docker image ls")
  • system("docker run -it mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest clang --version")
  • system("docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v /home/pkg_dir:/pkg_dir mlampros/fedora_clang_san:latest /bin/bash /pkg_dir/ 'pkg_dir'")

In both cases (1. and 2.) the output CRAN .Rcheck folder is saved in the (adjusted) by the user directory '/home/pkg_dir' so that the user can fix the errors and re-run the CRAN checks.

My preferred way is 1. because once the R packages are installed in the R session, the user has only to re-adjust the code (in 'pkg_dir') and re-run the 'R CMD build & check'. Whereas, the second case (when using the 'system()' command from within an R session) requires the re-installation of the R packages after a potential adjustment of the code.

Both cases (1. and 2.) were tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 18.2

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Fedora LLVM Clang ASAN UBSAN to build & check R package before CRAN submission







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