- express & mongodb atlas (mongoose as ODM)
- zod (validation library)
crud ops :
- get all todos,
- get single todo,
- mark a todo as completed
- create a todo update a todo,
- delete a todo
- delete many todos
error handling middleware
validation layer built using zod
- models : mongoose schema for todoModel
- middlewares
- asyncwrapper.js : async wrapper (to avoid repeating try-catch blocks in every endpoint).
- errorHandler.js : catch errors (general & specific).
- index.js : entry point for the app
- types.js : zod validations
- db
- connect.js : connect to mongodb atlas
- .env : environment variables
- errors : class definition for - CustomApiError - InvalidInputError
- middleware chaining
- global catch for errors
- validation layer using zod
- customizing validation with .refine() method (see : ./types.js)
- crud ops on mongodb
- schema creation with mongoose