A repository of useful links to videos for learning about R
- Intro to RStudio
- Creating projects in Rstudio
- Using console in Rstudio
- Code completion in Rstudio
- Creating new R script in Rstudio
- Importing data into Rstudio
- Introducing notebooks
- Exploratory data analysis with tidyverse
- Intro to data wrangling and the tidyverse pt 1
- Intro to data wrangling and the tidyverse pt 2
- Intro to data wrangling and the tidyverse pt 3
- Data wrangling
- Tidy data and tidyr
- Working with two data sets: binds and joins
- Overview of {glue} package by Jim Hester
- Intro to machine learning with {caret}
- {caret} package webinar
- Modeling with gbm, glmnet, and caret
- xgboost with {caret}
- Using Spark with Rmarkdown
- Understanding sparklyr deployment modes
- Advanced features of sparklyr
- Extending Spark using sparklyr