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By: Emily Ho, Lance Talban, Michelle Zhu, Danny Yang, Renat Hossain, Xing Yu Zhou, Kangjie Wu

Click to view a DEMO of our project

Launch the Program

Supported for Linux and Win32.

Download all the dependencies for all projects in the monorepo by running the following at root folder: npm i

To launch the Frontend, API Gateway, and Microservices in development mode: npm run dev

API Gateway | Service Registry

(Assuming API Gateway is located at localhost:3130)

On microservice startup:

POST http://localhost:3130/service-registry/register
DATA: {serviceName, serviceUrl}

Each microservice must have:

GET {SERVICE_URL}/service/health

Verification Service

If errors occur, either you are running OS specific lines or you are not running the lines within the verification_service directory

NOTE: The verification service is unstable when running on a Windows operating system. Unexpected behaviour occurs since Scrapy (and consequently scrapyscript) relies on sending/receiving signals to handle tasks such as reading the data through the pipeline. We setup verification service API using Flask. Since Flask is a synchronous framework, we needed to run the scraping-related code in a separate thread in order for the API to return a response while it is processing the job. In Windows, Python is unable to send signals outside of the main thread: "signal only works in main thread". In turn, scrapy will successfully scrape the data but is unable to send a signal for the program to read the pipeline, resulting in multiple failures. With a limited time frame, we attempted to resolve the multiprocessing issue by using the FastAPI asynchronous framework and have scraping running as a background task — it was unsuccessful. However, in Linux, multiprocessing is handled through forking which allows the signals to be fired successfully. When deployed, this service would be running in a Linux OS and would hence mitigate this problem.


Run the following, it prepares a virtual environment, installs dependencies, and then starts the Flask server on localhost:5000:

For Linux/MacOS: bash

For Windows: You must manually run Flask on elevated permissions, I could not

  1. .\setup_verification_service_env.bat
  2. flask --app ./src/main run (*)

(*) Run this in elevated permissions, I found most success using Administrator: Windows Powershell.

After initial setup, you can use the arg: --skip-dependencies to stop checking for dependency updates. e.g .\setup_verification_service_env.bat --skip-dependencies

Manual Setup (non-venv)

Ensure the following dependencies are installed:

pip install flask
pip install flask_cors
pip install pandas
pip install tqdm
pip install scrapy
pip install selenium
pip install bs4
pip install asyncio
pip install scrapyscript

Then run: flask --app ./src/main run

Run the Example

A quick demonstration can be found as test/ (Ensure that the Flask server is operational, see above.)

Run the following: python test/ -f test/DATA.csv

The program will perform the following:

  1. Send a request to the Flask server with the file given in the argument.
  2. Every three seconds, ask the server for a status.
  3. When the server returns a completed status, we request to download the dataframe in JSON format.

Run with Frontend

Go into the frontend folder and run the following: (Only once) to install the dependencies npm i

Then run: npm run dev

Physician Verification Process

It utilizes web scraping techniques to gather information from official websites of medical boards and verify the licensing status of physicians. Currently, it supports the following websites:

Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up the environment and test the webscrapers:

1. Python Virtual Environment

Install pip and the virtual environment first with

install python-pip pip install virtualenv

  • Create a Python virtual environment named 'venv':
python -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment (On Linux/macOS):
source venv/bin/activate
  • Activate the virtual environment (On Windows):

2. Install Required Packages

  • Install the necessary packages using pip:
pip install pytest pandas scrapy scrapyscript beautifulsoup4 selenium

3. Testing the physician verification process

  • To test only edge cases:
pytest tests/
  • To test the entire dataset:
pytest tests/