- Train on your RBC datasets.
- Load my model to detect Red Blood Cell.
- Train step by step.
First, please download the weights I have trained here(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-M84cxZIyVeBUfxat0MF7Wn7hmLHUmsk) and put both in a directory named "models/". Its full path should be "models/tiny_yolo_backend.h5" and "models/tiny_yolo.h5".
Second, please run train.ipynb
Please run load_model.ipynb
Step 1:Download the tiny_yolo_backend.py here(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-M84cxZIyVeBUfxat0MF7Wn7hmLHUmsk) and put it in a directory named "models/". Its full path should be "models/tiny_yolo_backend.h5".
Step 2: In shell, run python train.py -c config.json
Step 3: In shell, run python test.py -c config.json -w models/tiny_yolo.h5
Please enjoy it! :)