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If MusicBrainz Returns an empty XML (404) whole task fails and no results displayed #10796



Reported by: fatihemreyildiz
Date: 2022-07-31T13:47:50Z
Status: Confirmed
Importance: High
Launchpad Issue: lp1983206

I have been working on DlgTagFetcher (I mentioned on the previous bug). I realized that there are some tracks has related recording found by AcoustID (for example 16), then MusicBrainzTask starts. After a while of getting responds with found Recording ID's (after 8th Recording ID), there is one Recording ID starts and get network replies and the tasks stops with failed.

I went to response link and the link is this:

So basically it returns 404 and the XML is empty. I think that if this link wasn't on the list we could get the related metadata. That's probably related with the MusicBrainz, but can we handle this situation in order to get the metadata found? Since we get all the links from previous task, would it cause a bug or big problems if we pass 404 and start the next MusicBrainzTask and if that's the last link just we send signal the process is success?

If you can approve this is a bug and if you say we should handle the 404, I would like to fix this issue too in order to get more metadata.



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