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Spring Security Update in 1.2.0

jricher edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 1 revision

We have decided to update to Spring Security 3.2.3 effective in MITREid Connect release 1.2.0.

The core project has been updated (see #656) but if you're building a custom server or client there are some things you'll need to do to make things work again.

Updating Spring Security Versions

If you're using servers based on the example-server-overlay project or clients based on the simple-web-app project, you will want to change the spring-security-version tag in your pom.xml file from this:


to this:


If you are managing your dependencies in other ways, you will need to change your spring security release to this version yourself.

Updating Bean Definition Files

Bean definition files such as applicationContext.xml or servlet-context.xml that reference the Spring Security namespace will need to be updated to point to the Spring Security 3.2 schema. In all bean definition files, find the schema location definition URL and change it from this:

to this:

Note that this must be done for all bean definition files.