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Compile and Package

Maurits Kok edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 8 revisions

Important: Make sure to create a release branch for compiling and packing the application.

Steps to package the application

  1. Change version number in the file MitC_app.mlapp (line 36)
  2. Start Package App unders the tab APPS
  3. Select MitC_app as the main file
  4. Set application name to: "MitC" (If prompted to overwrite existing package, select yes)
  5. Set company to: "Technische Universiteit Delft"
  6. Set version number
  7. Add GUI screenshot (in folder /doc)
  8. Set logo (icon next to name, log can be found in /doc folder)
  9. Select MATLAB products: Optimization Toolbox and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  10. Set Output folder to package directory in the repository
  11. Package app
  12. Test the package by installing and running it in Matlab (if you run the app while being in the directory containing the MitC_app.mlapp file, an error occurs.)

Steps to compile the application

  1. Start the App Application Compiler (can be installed via Get More Apps)
  2. Select MitC_app as the main file
  3. Change name to MitC
  4. Set version number
  5. Set company to: "Technische Universiteit Delft"
  6. Set logo (icon next to name)
  7. Set splash screen to icon
  8. Add "Mitigation Controller (MitC): an automated risk-mitigation tool for construction projects" as Summary
  9. Package app
  10. Rename the file MyAppInstaller_web to MitC setup.exe (in for_redistribution folder)
  11. Move MitC setup.exe to the installer directory in the repo
  12. Delete other compiled files
  13. Test the installer