This is the code that runs on the WiFi module on the V2 Mirobot. It is an ESP8266 based module (the ESP-12) and you should build this project using the esp-open-sdk toolchain (
It has a number of features:
- A WebSocket to serial server
- The ability to reflash an Arduino from the chip without running the STK500 protocol over the air
- Over the Air upgrades using rboot
- A built-in web server, thanks to Jeroen Domburg for starting that project
- More coming soon
It uses a custom memory map to enable all of the different firmware updates (main firmware, Arduino and web pages):
Location | Size (kB) | Use |
0x00000 | 4 | Bootloader |
0x01000 | 4 | Bootloader config |
0x02000 | 220 | rom0 |
0x39000 | 220 | rom1 |
0x70000 | 24 | UI Files |
0x76000 | 32 | Arduino cache |
0x7E000 | 8 | WiFi configuration |
It's still in pre-release stage so use at your own risk