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Merge pull request #479 from talex5/eio
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Update to Eio 0.12
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hannesm authored Sep 24, 2023
2 parents afded12 + 8ca414e commit cf038c9
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Showing 6 changed files with 141 additions and 87 deletions.
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions eio/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,12 @@ end = struct
aux ()
with Eio.Io (Eio.Net.E Connection_reset _, _) ->
(* Due to #452, if we get told that the receiver will no longer send, then
we can't send either. *)
assert !(t.receiver_closed)

let run_recv_thread t =
let recv = Promise.await_exn t.receiver in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,15 +296,15 @@ let main client_message server_message quickstart actions =
~transmit:(Mock_socket.transmit client_socket)
To_server client_message in
let to_client =
~transmit:(Mock_socket.transmit server_socket)
To_client server_message
Fiber.all [
Expand All @@ -309,4 +314,6 @@ let main client_message server_message quickstart actions =

let () =
Logs.set_level (Some Warning);
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ());
Crowbar.(add_test ~name:"random ops" [bytes; bytes; bool; list action] main)
118 changes: 76 additions & 42 deletions eio/tests/
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@@ -1,52 +1,86 @@
open Eio.Std

module W = Eio.Buf_write

let src = Logs.Src.create "mock-socket" ~doc:"Test socket"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

type transmit_amount = [`Bytes of int | `Drain]

type socket = < Eio.Flow.two_way; transmit : transmit_amount -> unit >

let create ~to_peer ~from_peer label =
inherit Eio.Flow.two_way

val output_sizes = Eio.Stream.create max_int

method transmit x =
Eio.Stream.add output_sizes x

method copy src =
while true do
let rec write = function
| 0 -> ()
| size ->
let buf = Cstruct.create size in
let got = Eio.Flow.single_read src buf in
W.cstruct to_peer (Cstruct.sub buf 0 got); (fun f -> f "%s: wrote %d bytes to network" label got);
write (size - got)
match Eio.Stream.take output_sizes with
| `Drain -> Eio.Stream.add output_sizes `Drain; write 4096
| `Bytes n -> write n
with End_of_file -> ()

method read_into buf =
let batch = W.await_batch from_peer in
let got, _ = Cstruct.fillv ~src:batch ~dst:buf in (fun f -> f "%s: read %d bytes from network" label got);
W.shift from_peer got;

method shutdown = function
| `Send -> (fun f -> f "%s: close writer" label);
W.close to_peer
| _ -> failwith "Not implemented"
type ty = [`Mock_tls | Eio.Flow.two_way_ty]
type t = ty r

let rec takev len = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
if len = 0 then []
else if Cstruct.length x >= len then [Cstruct.sub x 0 len]
else x :: takev (len - Cstruct.length x) xs

module Impl = struct
type t = {
to_peer : W.t;
from_peer : W.t;
label : string;
output_sizes : transmit_amount Eio.Stream.t;

let create ~to_peer ~from_peer label = {
output_sizes = Eio.Stream.create max_int;

let transmit t x =
Eio.Stream.add t.output_sizes x

let single_write t bufs =
let size =
match Eio.Stream.take t.output_sizes with
| `Drain -> Eio.Stream.add t.output_sizes `Drain; Cstruct.lenv bufs
| `Bytes size -> size
let bufs = takev size bufs in
List.iter (W.cstruct t.to_peer) bufs;
let len = Cstruct.lenv bufs in (fun f -> f "%s: wrote %d bytes to network" t.label len);

let copy t ~src = Eio.Flow.Pi.simple_copy ~single_write t ~src

let single_read t buf =
let batch = W.await_batch t.from_peer in
let got, _ = Cstruct.fillv ~src:batch ~dst:buf in (fun f -> f "%s: read %d bytes from network" t.label got);
W.shift t.from_peer got;

let shutdown t = function
| `Send -> (fun f -> f "%s: close writer" t.label);
W.close t.to_peer
| _ -> failwith "Not implemented"

let read_methods = []

type (_, _, _) Eio.Resource.pi += Raw : ('t, 't -> t, ty) Eio.Resource.pi
let raw (Eio.Resource.T (t, ops)) = Eio.Resource.get ops Raw t

let handler =
Eio.Resource.handler (
H (Impl.Raw, ::
Eio.Resource.bindings (Eio.Flow.Pi.two_way (module Impl))

let transmit t x =
let t = Impl.raw t in
Impl.transmit t x

let create ~from_peer ~to_peer label =
let t = Impl.create ~from_peer ~to_peer label in
Eio.Resource.T (t, handler)

let create_pair () =
let to_a = W.create 100 in
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions eio/tests/mock_socket.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
open Eio.Std

type transmit_amount = [
| `Bytes of int (* Send the next n bytes of data *)
| `Drain (* Transmit all data immediately from now on *)

type socket = <
transmit : transmit_amount -> unit;
type t = [`Mock_tls | Eio.Flow.two_way_ty] r

val create_pair : unit -> socket * socket
val create_pair : unit -> t * t
(** Create a pair of sockets [client, server], such that writes to one can be read from the other. *)

val transmit : t -> transmit_amount -> unit
68 changes: 38 additions & 30 deletions eio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
open Eio.Std

module Flow = Eio.Flow

exception Tls_alert of Tls.Packet.alert_type
exception Tls_failure of Tls.Engine.failure

type Eio.Exn.Backend.t += Tls_socket_closed
let () = Eio.Exn.Backend.register_pp (fun f -> function
| Tls_socket_closed -> f "TLS_socket_closed"; true
| _ -> false

type ty = [ `Tls | Eio.Flow.two_way_ty ]
type t = ty r

module Raw = struct

(* We could replace [`Eof] with [`Error End_of_file] and then use
a regular [result] type here. *)
type t = {
flow : Flow.two_way ;
flow : Flow.two_way_ty r;
mutable state : [ `Active of Tls.Engine.state
| `Eof
| `Error of exn ] ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +80,7 @@ module Raw = struct
| (`Error e, _) -> raise e
| (`Eof, _) -> raise End_of_file

let rec read t buf =
let rec single_read t buf =

let writeout res =
let open Cstruct in
Expand All @@ -84,20 +95,22 @@ module Raw = struct
| Some res -> writeout res
| None ->
match read_react t with
| None -> read t buf
| None -> single_read t buf
| Some res -> writeout res

let writev t css =
match t.state with
| `Error err -> raise err
| `Eof -> raise End_of_file
| `Eof -> raise (Eio.Net.err (Connection_reset Tls_socket_closed))
| `Active tls ->
match Tls.Engine.send_application_data tls css with
| Some (tls, tlsdata) ->
( t.state <- `Active tls ; write_t t tlsdata )
| None -> invalid_arg "tls: write: socket not ready"

let write t cs = writev t [cs]
let single_write t bufs =
writev t bufs;
Cstruct.lenv bufs

* XXX bad XXX
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +175,7 @@ module Raw = struct
let server_of_flow config flow =
drain_handshake {
state = `Active (Tls.Engine.server config) ;
flow = (flow :> Flow.two_way) ;
flow = (flow :> Flow.two_way_ty r) ;
linger = None ;
recv_buf = Cstruct.create 4096
Expand All @@ -174,7 +187,7 @@ module Raw = struct
let t = {
state = `Eof ;
flow = (flow :> Flow.two_way);
flow = (flow :> Flow.two_way_ty r);
linger = None ;
recv_buf = Cstruct.create 4096
} in
Expand All @@ -192,36 +205,31 @@ module Raw = struct
| `Eof -> Error ()
| `Error _ -> Error ()

let copy_from t src =
while true do
let buf = Cstruct.create 4096 in
let got = Flow.single_read src buf in
write t (Cstruct.sub buf 0 got)
with End_of_file -> ()
let copy t ~src = Eio.Flow.Pi.simple_copy ~single_write t ~src

let read_methods = []

type (_, _, _) Eio.Resource.pi += T : ('t, 't -> t, ty) Eio.Resource.pi

type t = <
t : Raw.t;
let raw (Eio.Resource.T (t, ops)) = Eio.Resource.get ops Raw.T t

let handler =
Eio.Resource.handler [
H (Eio.Flow.Pi.Source, (module Raw));
H (Eio.Flow.Pi.Sink, (module Raw));
H (Eio.Flow.Pi.Shutdown, (module Raw));
H (Raw.T,;

let of_t t =
inherit Eio.Flow.two_way
method read_into = t
method copy = Raw.copy_from t
method shutdown = Raw.shutdown t
method t = t
let of_t t = Eio.Resource.T (t, handler)

let server_of_flow config flow = Raw.server_of_flow config flow |> of_t
let client_of_flow config ?host flow = Raw.client_of_flow config ?host flow |> of_t

let reneg ?authenticator ?acceptable_cas ?cert ?drop (t:t) = Raw.reneg ?authenticator ?acceptable_cas ?cert ?drop t#t
let key_update ?request (t:t) = Raw.key_update ?request t#t
let epoch (t:t) = Raw.epoch t#t
let reneg ?authenticator ?acceptable_cas ?cert ?drop (t:t) = Raw.reneg ?authenticator ?acceptable_cas ?cert ?drop (raw t)
let key_update ?request (t:t) = Raw.key_update ?request (raw t)
let epoch (t:t) = Raw.epoch (raw t)

let () =
Printexc.register_printer (function
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions eio/tls_eio.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
The pure TLS is state and buffer in, state and buffer out. This
module uses Eio for communication over the network. *)

open Eio.Std

(** [Tls_alert] exception received from the other endpoint *)
exception Tls_alert of Tls.Packet.alert_type

(** [Tls_failure] exception while processing incoming data *)
exception Tls_failure of Tls.Engine.failure

type t = private < Eio.Flow.two_way; .. >
type t = [ `Tls | Eio.Flow.two_way_ty ] r

(** {2 Constructors} *)

Expand All @@ -19,15 +21,15 @@ type t = private < Eio.Flow.two_way; .. >
You must ensure a RNG is installed while using TLS, e.g. using [Mirage_crypto_rng_eio].
Ideally, this would be part of the [server] config so you couldn't forget it,
but for now you'll get a runtime error if you forget. *)
val server_of_flow : Tls.Config.server -> #Eio.Flow.two_way -> t
val server_of_flow : Tls.Config.server -> _ Eio.Flow.two_way -> t

(** [client_of_flow client ~host fd] is [t], after client-side
TLS handshake of [flow] using [client] configuration and [host].
You must ensure a RNG is installed while using TLS, e.g. using [Mirage_crypto_rng_eio].
Ideally, this would be part of the [client] config so you couldn't forget it,
but for now you'll get a runtime error if you forget. *)
val client_of_flow : Tls.Config.client -> ?host:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> #Eio.Flow.two_way -> t
val client_of_flow : Tls.Config.client -> ?host:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> _ Eio.Flow.two_way -> t

(** {2 Control of TLS features} *)

Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions tls-eio.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "5.0.0"}
"dune" {>= "3.0"}
"tls" {= version}
"mirage-crypto-rng" {>= "0.8.0"}
"mirage-crypto-rng-eio" {>= "0.8.0" with-test}
"mirage-crypto-rng" {>= "0.11.2"}
"mirage-crypto-rng-eio" {>= "0.11.2" with-test}
"x509" {>= "0.15.0"}
"eio" {>= "0.7"}
"eio_main" {>= "0.7" with-test}
"eio" {>= "0.12"}
"eio_main" {>= "0.12" with-test}
"mdx" {with-test}
"crowbar" {>= "0.2.1" with-test}
"logs" {>= "0.7.0" with-test}
"ptime" {>= "1.0.0"}
tags: [ "org:mirage"]
synopsis: "Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml - Eio"
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