OPG Use My LPA: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform
OPG Data LPA is a repo to build a rest API for interactions with LPA. Currently it includes GET endpoints for gathering information about LPAs from sirius.
In the future it may be expanded to have further GET endpoints or PUT, POST or DELETE endpoints for strictly LPA related functions.
- API Gateway
- Lambda
- Redis
- Terraform (for infrastructure)
- Python (for lambda code)
- OpenAPI spec (for building the REST API against API Gateway)
- Run full setup script from the Makefile:
make setup
or if you want pact as well:
make setup-all
- Test the setup
curl -X GET http://localhost:4343/v1/healthcheck
curl -X GET http://localhost:4343/v1/lpa-online-tool/lpas/A39721583862
curl -X GET http://localhost:4343/v1/use-an-lpa/lpas/700000000047
That should be all you need to set it up locally.
When working on a ticket you should name your branch as the jira identifier of the ticket you are working on.
When you push your changes to your branch and create a PR then Github Actions workflow will run and create a branch-based environment in AWS. This includes an API Gateway instance, the Lambda function and all the relevant DNS to access the environment.
You can test against the endpoints by assuming a Sirius dev role and hitting the following endpoint (replacing branch_name and api_path):
Once merged you can do the same tests against dev by removing the branch_name portion of above url.
Environments get destroyed overnight and by default your environment is protected for the first night's destroy but will be cleaned up on the subsequent night. If you want to work on it longer either recreate it by rerunning the workflow or change the protection TTL in DynamoDB.
If you wish to develop against this environment and don't want to be dealing with Docker containers then there is a bit more of an in depth set up process required.
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv
Start the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
Add all the env vars:
source .env
Install the dev requirements
- Install the dev requirements
pip3 install -r lambda_functions/v1/requirements/dev-requirements.txt
cd lambda_functions/v1/functions/lpa/app
FLASK_APP=lpa SIRIUS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5001 flask run &
- Endpoints should be available on
Run the tests command-line style
python3 -m pytest -m "not (smoke_test or pact_test)"
Run the tests command-line style with coverage
python3 -m pytest lambda_functions/v1/tests --cov=lambda_functions/v1/functions/lpa/app/api --cov-fail-under=80
Run the tests in PyCharm
- Go to PyCharm > Preferences > Tools > Python Integrated Tools
- Set the Default Test Runner to 'pytest'
- Right click on the tests folder (or single file) > 'Run pytest in tests'
These tests can also be run with docker, first set up docker environment. Then:
docker-compose run unit-test-lpa-data
Setup the tests:
- In
, check that the url you are pointing to is the correct one for your environment.
opg_data_lpa_dev_aws = { "name": "new collections api on aws dev", "healthcheck_endpoint": { "url": "https://uml-2131.dev.lpa.api.opg.service.justice.gov.uk/v1/healthcheck", "method": "GET", }, "online_tool_endpoint": { "url": "https://uml-2131.dev.lpa.api.opg.service.justice.gov.uk/v1/lpa" "-online-tool/lpas", "method": "GET", "valid_lpa_online_tool_ids": ["A33718377316"], "invalid_lpa_online_tool_ids": ["banana"], },
- In
, check that theconfigs_to_test
is set to what you want to test against.
configs_to_test = [opg_data_lpa_dev_aws]
- In
, take note of the ids you will be testing against.
"valid_sirius_uids": ["700000000138"],
- In
Run the tests
aws-vault exec identity -- python -m pytest -n2 --dist=loadfile --html=report.html --self-contained-html aws-vault exec identity -- python -m pytest -n2 --dist=loadfile --html=report.html --self-contained-html
To run pact locally, the easiest way to interact with it is to use the client tools.
The best package to get started can be found here:
You can download the latest version to a directory, unzip it and run the individual tools
in the /pact/bin
folder from the command line or put them in your PATH.
First you should put the contract in our local broker. The local broker is spun up as part
of the docker compose up -d
command and you can push in a contract manually from a json file
by using the below command (example json included in this repo):
curl -i -X PUT -d '@./docs/support_files/pact_contract.json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
You can then check it has uploaded by browsing to localhost:9292
To tag the pact we can now run this. We will want to tag the consumer as the verification command is best used with tags:
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
You can check it has worked here:
Run the secret creation against mock
python3 ./mock_aws_services/create_secret.py
You can verify the pact as follows (assuming your path to pact-provider-verifier is correct):
../pact/bin/pact-provider-verifier --provider-base-url=http://localhost:4343 \
--custom-provider-header 'Authorization: asdf1234567890' \
--pact-broker-base-url="http://localhost:9292" \
--provider="lpa_data_sirius" \
--consumer-version-tag=v1 \
--provider-version-tag=v1 \
--publish-verification-results \