Check out a demo of the website here: Live demo
To run the frontend, run the following commands in your virtual environment:
cd frontend
npm install
In the frontend directory, create a file called .env
and add the following line:
To run the frontend, in the same frontend directory, run the following command:
npm run dev
To run the backend, run the following commands in your virtual environment:
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
Recommended Python version: 3.11
In the backend directory, create a file called .env
and add the following line:
To run the backend, in the same backend directory, run the following command:
Check out a live demonstration of setting up testing here: Loom Video Demo
To setup the tests:
- Click on the tests folder
- Create a new file to test a specific functionality -- preferably bunch tests in the same blueprint of file together.
- The naming convention for the test should be (test_what you are testing) for example test_authentification
- Run the test by clicking the titration flask icon. You should be able to run the specific file that you want.
- After runing the specific file click on the back-end section to run tests in all back-end files to ensure your code hasnt broken other segments of the app.