List of the links to the docs for different services, which explain using of advanced search operators
This is my take on the 10mins webpage challenge , you can find it on youtube via this link :
This Jupyter notebook implements a machine learning-based image classification model to classify images of skies. It demonstrates the process of loading image data, extracting features using the im…
Rotten Tomatoes Movies Dataset by Genre (Updated: September 9, 2024) This dataset contains 947 entries of movies from Rotten Tomatoes, categorized by genre. It includes: Title: Movie name Audience …
This project focuses on analyzing a forest fire dataset through exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and predictive modeling using both linear regression and random forest algorithms. Th…
This project aims to analyze and predict whether patients will show up for their doctor's appointments. The goal is to identify patterns that could help predict no-shows with logistic regression an…
This project aims to predict the selling prices of used cars based on various features such as brand, model year, mileage, and engine specifications.using-Stacking-ensemble-modeling-technique
This project predicts insurance charges using a linear regression model. Key factors include age, sex, BMI, children, smoking status, and region.