This is a twitter bot written in Python that tweets a daily Fortnite Shop image
The build uses the following libraries and APIs:
- tweepy (
- Pillow (
-'s API (uses this wrapper
A small cheat is employed for the translucent background.
For those hoping to use this, there's a few things you'll need:
- Apply for and Twitter API access keys
- Put your API keys in a file
- Unsure if the lack of the fonts used might cause a problem, but you might have to acquire the Burbank fonts
If you plug in your API keys and acquire the right fonts, you can most likely run a cron job to have the shop Tweeted every day. You might want to edit the shop image somewhat though.
The bot is meant for private use of the @FNMasterCom Twitter. This repo is to help others understand how to piece something like this together. Enjoy!