A list of useful code snippets, scripts, functions and modules that I looted and crafted through years of everyday work. A list of my everyday helpers that seed up my development. Many of the functions are found on StackOverflow. A huge thanks to all contributors! Supported languages: PHP, Javascript, Python, Bash and more! Feel free to contrubute and craft!
- Bash
- Installations
- Debian
- PHP Installation
- Python Installation
- Node Intallation
- MySql installation
- MongoDB Installation
- NGINX Installation
- Docker Installation
- Common Server packages Installation
- RedHat
- Comming soon!
- Debian
- Aliases
- Comming soon!
- Scripts
- Give permissions to storage folders or log folders
- Cookbook
- Comming soon!
- Arrays
- Strings
- Archives
- IPs
- Domains
- Images
- Files
- Numbers
- Tasks
- Urls
- Other