Projects | Skills | Education | Experience | Interests
I am a junior full stack developer coming from a background in geophysical processing.
I studied Physics at The University of Exeter, worked for over 2 years processing seismic data and have recently graduated from Makers Academy - Europe's leading Web Developer bootcamp.
I am looking for a job where I can continue to grow and further myself as a developer, learn new tech and use Agile methodologies to solve real world problems.
Project | Description | Technologies |
BeeAppy | This was my final project at Makers Academy. A full-stack bee-tracking iOS app, built using React-Native and a Rails API | React-Native, Rails, Heroku, Xcode, ES6 |
TypeFastTypeFurious | A single page type racing game written in JS that fetches Ron Swanson quotes | Node.js, Javascript, Jasmine, Karma |
Acebook | Collaborative project with the 16 others my remote cohort during 'Rails week' | Ruby, Sinatra, bcrypt, DataMapper, RSpec, Capybara, Postgres |
Gilded Rose | My attempt at the classic refactoring Kata. | Ruby, RSpec |
Bank Tech Test | A practice tech test that involves making a bank account program. | Ruby, RSpec |
Tic Tac Toe | A practice tech test for tic tac toe buisness logic in JS | Javascript, Jasmine |
I enjoy working with other people and have been part of many different teams throughout my life. Whether playing sport, playing in a band or working, I find collaboration with others to achieve shared goals most stimulating. At TGS I was given the responsibility of taking workplace interviews for prospective employees.
My background in physics and following work experience has taught me how to approach complex and unfamiliar concepts from a logical, problem solving standpoint. I have always felt comfortable behind a computer, and I still find the applied science that turns sound waves into a detailed map of the Earth's crust absolutely fascinating.
Throughout Makers Academy I was able to get to grips with many new concepts and technologies. For my final project, my group successfully managed to design and build a mobile app using React-Native - a framework that none of us had any experience using - in under two weeks.
In my previous job I had to learn a technology that was completely new to me, while also becoming familiar with the in-house software, scripts and procedures. I was also tasked some training for new employees and other departments.
QC was a particularly strong area for me at TGS, for which I was given high praise. This involved close examination of large data sets, looking for errors however small, that would indicate a problem with the programming, or acquisition of the data.
- Curiosity and hungry passion for code
- Independent learner and problem-solver
- OOP, TDD, XP , SOLID, MVC, pair programming
- Software Craftsmanship
- Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Node.js, React-Native
- Git, Rspec, Sinatra, Capybara, Jasmine, Karma, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Heroku, PSQL
- Degree: BSc Physics
- A & AS Levels: Maths (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (A), AS Level Design and Technology (B)
- GCSEs: Maths (A*), Physics (A*), Biology (A*), DT (A*), Chemistry (A), English Lit (A), English Lang (A), French (A) Drama (B) and History (C)
TGS September 2013 - December 2015
Processing Geophysicist
I was part of a small group, assigned to set up an image processing team in a new office. The goal was to have a closer interaction between the data processing side of the company and the parts that would interpret and sell that data.
My role as a Processing Geophysicist involved taking large raw seismic data sets through a series of programs to produce clear, accurate, geological images ready for interpretation. My day to day tasks included: process testing, submitting process jobs to the servers, QC, preparation of final deliverables and data management. I have also taken workplace interviews for potential employees, given training to other departments and presented both to clients and at internal programming surgeries.
By the end of my time at TGS I had contributed to several successful processing projects and seen the new imaging team double in size. I had scored very well in all of my performance reviews, and was beginning to develop an in depth understanding of the job at hand. However, I also witnessed the negative impacts of a cyclical industry in 2015 when the continuing oil crash led to the closure my department.
I have always thought that travel is key understanding oneself, our planet and the people we share it with. This spring i had the chance to explore some of Latin America, it was a fascinating experience, which I’m sure I shall be remembering for years.
I have always had a keen interest in music and have been playing guitar for 14 years. I have performed in several bands, and seeing live music is one of my favourite activities.
In February I was lucky enough to work on a film shoot for a friend who needed some extra help. It was a low budget feature length film with only 2 weeks of scheduled shooting time. It was a very ambitious project in which I had to fill in as a sound recorder, assistant camera, gaffer, transport, and even stunt driver. It was a lot of fun and I was thrilled to have been involved.