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human overpopulation is hyperinflation #11




log scale graph

human population growth over 10000 years by bryan long 2009 at

world-population-chart econosystemics com p=9 world population growth over 12000 years by bryan long 2009

linear scale graph

human population growth over 10000 years

Population_curve wikipedia 10000 years linear scale svg

quantity vs quality

humans vs biodiversity over 1000 years

human population vs species extinction RQnHu42

human population vs species extionction

human population vs species extionction

exceeding the carrying capacity

consequences of exceeding K
K = carrying capacity of the habitat

currently we are heading for the red line (collapse to zero)
the only way to get on the blue line (collapse to near-zero) is global mass murder (mostly via man-made famines)

overpopulation  consequences of exceeding k the carrying capacity

mass extinctions

mass extinctions over 500 million years

mass extinctions over 500 million years WIEEPnp

peak oil

oil is a proxy for finite resources

humans exploit many finite resources, and most of them follow a similar trend ...


A Brief History of Oil and Humans

based on

A Brief History of Oil and Humans svg

planet of the humans

movie by michael moore (type M3)

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs

bittorrent magnet link

growth busters

GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth - the Movie

This groundbreaking documentary challenges our beliefs linking growth with prosperity and fulfillment. The film explores how our attitudes toward economic growth, consumption and population growth prevent rational responses to evidence we’ve outgrown the planet.

More info at
Check out the GrowthBusters podcast at

In this David vs. Goliath story, filmmaker Dave Gardner shares his own personal story of daring to challenge our growth-worshipping system. He is rebuked by elected officials who are deacons of the church of growth everlasting. He takes on millionaire real-estate developers enriched by public growth subsidies, and he tackles economists who spin pro-growth propaganda.

GrowthBusters weaves the tale of Gardner’s efforts to wean his hometown from growth addiction, with examination of the most critical global issues of our time. Interviews with leading thinkers, animation and humorous skits debunk the “grow or die” myth. Cultural myths and taboos are exposed and explored.

Providing a ray of hope, the film also profiles groups and individuals exploring alternatives and moving the world toward true sustainability.

Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich: "This could be the most important film ever made."

but in the end, it doesnt even matter

I tried so hard, And got so far
But in the end, It doesn't even matter

I had to fall, To lose it all
But in the end, It doesn't even matter

Linkin Park - In the end

800–900 million years in the future

Carbon dioxide levels will fall to the point at which C4 photosynthesis is no longer possible.[75] Without plant life to recycle oxygen in the atmosphere, free oxygen and the ozone layer will disappear from the atmosphere allowing for intense levels of deadly UV light to reach the surface. In the book The Life and Death of Planet Earth, authors Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee state that some animal life may be able to survive in the oceans. Eventually, however, all multicellular life will die out.[77] At most, animal life could survive about 100 million years after plant life dies out, with the last animals being animals that do not depend on living plants such as termites or those near hydrothermal vents such as worms of the genus Riftia.[68] The only life left on the Earth after this will be single-celled organisms.


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