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Like purescript-options, but uses rows.

Like a variant, but with potentially more or less stuff.

Like a row, but with potentially less stuff.

How it works

type FullRow = (foo :: Int, bar :: String, baz :: Boolean)

ro = options { foo: 1, baz: false } :: RowOptions FullRow
gfoo = get (Proxy :: _ "foo") ro -- Just 1
gbar = get (Proxy :: _ "bar") ro -- Nothing
sfoo = set (Proxy :: _ "foo") 2 ro -- options { foo: 2, baz: false }
sbar = set (Proxy :: _ "bar") "hi" ro -- options { foo: 2, bar: "hi", baz: false }
mbar = modify (Proxy :: _ "bar") "hi" ro -- options { foo: 2, baz: false }
mmp = megamap ro { foo: show :: Int -> _, bar: identity :: String -> _, baz: show :: Boolean -> _ } -- options { foo: "2", baz: "false" }
h = Array.fromFoldable $ homogeneous $ megamap ro { foo: show :: Int -> _, bar: identity :: String -> _, baz: show :: Boolean -> _ } -- ["2", "false"]