Vuiet is a music player and explorer for Emacs users. It is similar in scope to lastfm on which it is based. All tracks are played from youtube using mpv in the background and music info taken from Vuiet supports the "discovery mode", where it lets you create your own playlists based on artist, genre or your loved songs similarities. Or, you can specify single tracks, top tracks from a given artist, known albums, etc. There is also a lyrics database that is optionally updated with each track you play and this database can be searched interactively and played from.
(Table of contents generated with markdown-toc)
Browse artists, genres or albums with Emacs,
(vuiet-tag-info "progressive rock")
(vuiet-album-info "steven wilson" "to the bone")
(vuiet-artist-info "steven wilson")
Play an artist top songs, sequentially or randomly,
(vuiet-play-artist '("steven wilson"))
or tracks from similar artists, whole albums, loved tracks, or whole genres,
(vuiet-play-artist-similar '("lost in kiev"))
(vuiet-play-album "anathema" "one last goodbye")
(vuiet-play-tag-similar '("classic rock" "80s" "progressive"))
Display the lyrics and search the saved lyrics database for a song to play,
(vuiet-play-track-by-lyrics "secret")
- Display the currently playing song in the mode-line,
- Seek forward, backward, replay, play/pause, open currently playing song on youtube (details),
(vuiet-seek-forward 15)
Scrobble songs to your profile and add songs to your list of loved songs.
Search interactively for songs, artists or even albums (fill out part of the artist name -> TAB -> select the artist -> select the album -> album is now playing)
- vuiet
- yt-dlp
- lastfm account plus an API key (see lastfm.el README for details)
- lastfm.el (follow the instruction on the lastfm.el README page)
- mpv
vuiet-play songs (random nil)
Play everyting in the SONGS list, randomly or sequentially.
SONGS is a list of type ((artist1 song1) (artist2 song2) ...).
vuiet-play-artist artist random
Play the ARTIST top tracks, RANDOM or sequentially.
vuiet-play-playing-artist random
Play the currently playing artist's top tracks.
Play the full album of the currently playing track.
Open an info buffer for the currently playing track album.
vuiet-play-album artist album
Play the whole ALBUM of the given ARTIST.
If called interactively, the album can be picked interactively
from the ARTIST's top albums.
vuiet-play-artist-similar artists
Play tracks from artists similar to ARTISTS.
ARTISTS is a list of strings of the form '(artist1 artist2 etc.)
If called interactively, multiple artists can be provided in the
minibuffer if they are sepparated by commas.
Play tracks from artists similar to the playing artist.
This function is similar to `vuiet-play-artist-similar', only the
list of artists is limited to the artist of the currently playing
vuiet-play-tag-similar tags
Play tracks from artists similar to TAGS.
TAGS is a list of strings of the form '(tag1 tag2 etc.)
If called interactively, multiple tags can be provided in the
minibuffer if they are sepparated by commas.
Play tracks from artists with similar tags as the current tags.
Play tracks from random artists that have tags equal to one of
the tags of the currently playing artist.
vuiet-play-track artist name
Play the song NAME from the given ARTIST.
If called interactively, let the user select and play one of the
ARTIST's top songs, where ARTIST is given in the minibuffer.
vuiet-play-track-search track
Search TRACK and play the selected item.
Similar to `vuiet-play-track', but search for TRACK on
first and then let the user select one of the results.
vuiet-play-track-by-lyrics lyrics
Search a track by LYRICS and play it.
Select a track from the user loved tracks and play it.
The user loved tracks list is the one associated with the
username given in the setup of the lastfm.el package.
vuiet-play-loved-tracks (random nil)
Play all the tracks from the user loved tracks.
If RANDOM is t, play the tracks at random, indefinitely.
The user loved tracks list is the one associated with the
username given in the setup of the lastfm.el package.
vuiet-play-artist-loved-tracks artist random
Play all the ARTIST tracks found in the user loved tracks.
Similar to `vuiet-play-loved-tracks', but play only the tracks
from the given ARTIST.
Play one of the recent listened tracks.
Play tracks based on artists similar to loved tracks artists.
Play tracks from random artists similar to a random artist from
the list of user loved tracks.
vuiet-artist-info artist
Display info about ARTIST in a new buffer.
p play all the artist songs, sequentially.
s select and display info for a similar artist with ivy.
l visit the artist's lastfm page.
vuiet-artist-info-search artist
Search ARTIST and display info about the selected item.
Similar to `vuiet-artist-info', but search for ARTIST on
first and then display the info about it.
vuiet-tag-info tag
Display info about TAG in a new buffer.
vuiet-loved-tracks-info (page 1) (n 50)
Display N tracks from the user loved tracks in a new buffer.
If the user has more than N loved tracks, PAGE can be used to show
the next PAGE * N tracks.
<enter> On a song entry, plays that song only.
i Display the next PAGE * N songs.
u Display the previous PAGE * N songs, if N > 1
s Choose a song to play, with ivy.
vuiet-album-info artist album
Display info about the ARTIST's ALBUM in a new buffer.
s choose a song with ivy.
a pick another album with ivy.
p play all songs from the album.
l save lyrics for this album.
vuiet-album-info-search artist
Search all albums from ARTIST and display the selected one.
The album is displayed in a dedicated buffer. See
`vuiet-album-info' for details regarding the active keybindings
inside this buffer.
Stop playing and clear the mode line.
Return the currently playing artist.
Return the currently playing track name.
Return the playing TRACK as a human-readable string.
Skip the currently playing track and play the next.
Display the next track in the mode-line for a few seconds.
Replay the previous track.
Play the currently playing track from the beginning.
vuiet-seek-backward (arg)
Seek backward the given number of ARG. ARG defaults to 5 seconds.
vuiet-seek-forward (arg)
Seek forward the given number of ARG. ARG defaults to 5 seconds.
vuiet-seek-backward-rate (arg)
Seek backward ARG% of the track. ARG defaults to 10%.
vuiet-seek-forward-rate (arg)
Seek forward ARG% of the track. ARG defaults to 10%.
Toggle the play/pause status.
Get the music player volume, between 0% and 100%.
vuiet-player-volume-inc (arg)
Increase the music player volume by ARG percent. ARG defaults to 10%.
vuiet-player-volume-dec (arg)
Decrease the music player volume by ARG percent. ARG defaults to 10%.
Display info for the currently playing artist in a new buffer.
Open a youtube search for the currently playing track.
Pause vuiet and continue playing on youtube.
Pause vuiet and continue playing with mpv as a new process.
vuiet-artist-lastfm-page artist
Visit the ARTIST lastfm page."
Visit he currently playing artist lastfm page.
Add the currently playing track to the user loved songs.
Remove the currently playing track from the user loved songs.
Display the lyrics for the currently playing track in a new buffer.
See `versuri-display' for the active keybindings inside this buffer.
Enable saving the lyrics for all listened tracks to the db.
See `vuiet-automatic-lyrics' for details.
Disable saving the lyrics for all listened tracks to the db.
See `vuiet-automatic-lyrics' for details.
Toggle saving the lyrics for all listened tracks to the db.
See `vuiet-automatic-lyrics' for details.
Update the mode line.
vuiet-scrobble-timeout 30
Time, in seconds, for the same song to play before scrobbling it.
vuiet-scrobble-enabled t
Enable/disable scrobbling.
Decide if the currently playing track should appear in your list
of recently played tracks on
vuiet-automatic-lyrics nil
Enable/disable the saving of lyrics to the db for all tracks.
If t, download the lyrics for every listened track and save them
to db. This is useful if you're listening to artists and tracks
you already know and like. If nil, the lyrics are only saved
manually, on request, with the `vuiet-playing-track-lyrics'.
This is useful if you're listening to new tracks, some of which
you might not like. Adding the lyrics of such tracks to the db
would only mean adding garbage that you can do without.
vuiet-update-mode-line-automatically t
Enable/disable the automatic update of the mode-line.
If enabled, the mode-line is automatically updated after
`vuiet-update-mode-line-interval' seconds. More specifically,
`vuiet-update-mode-line' is called periodically while a track is
playing to update it's current playback position.
vuiet-update-mode-line-interval 10
Timeout, in seconds, after which to update the mode-line.
See the `vuiet-update-mode-line-automatically' custom variable
for details.
vuiet-artist-similar-limit 15
Number of artists similar to the given artist.
When considering artists similar to a given artist, take as many
into consideration as this limit. A lower value might mean
artists and tracks you already know and love. A higher value
increases the chances you'll discover something totally new.
vuiet-artist-tracks-limit 15
Number of tracks for the given artist.
When considering the top tracks for a given artist, take as many
into consideration as this limit. A lower value might mean
tracks from this artist that you already know and love. A higher
value increases the chances you'll discover something totally new
but it also increases the chances that you'll get wrongly
scrobbled songs and youtube will find something totally unrelated
as a result.
vuiet-artist-top-albums-limit 10
Number of top albums for the given artist.
This value is also used in the artist info page (called by
`vuiet-artist-info') to display the number of top albums.
vuiet-artist-info-show-top-albums nil
Display the artist top albums in the artist info
buffer (created when calling `vuiet-artist-info'). This adds an
extra call to which, depending on your system, you might
feel it like an unnecessary lag.
vuiet-tag-artists-limit 15
Number of artists for the given tag.
When considering the top artists for a given tag, take as many
into consideration as this limit.
vuiet-loved-tracks-limit 500
Number of tracks to take into consideration when playing user loved tracks.
A number higher than your actual lastfm loved tracks, will take
all of them into consideration. A lower values is useful for
taking into consideration only the most recently loved tracks.
vuiet-youtube-dl-command "youtube-dl"
The youtube-dl command.