These dotfiles are meant to be compatible with MacOS and Linux systems, as I use both frequently and much of the configuration is similar or the same.
- kitty
- bat
- ripgrep
- neovim
- lazygit
- lazyvim
- diff-so-fancy
- eza
- fd
- fzf
- git
- go
- php
- python
- jq
- k9s
- kubernetes-cli
- docker
- kind
- most
- neofetch
- starship
- terraform
- the_silver_searcher
- tldr
- zoxide
- zsh
- btop
- fira-code
- fira-code-nerd-font
- php
- composer
- python
- go
- nodejs
- yarn
- Set up the 1Password SSH Agent.
- Set up the 1Password SSH Git Signing.
- Add
These dotfiles replace some core functionality with their "next-gen" counterparts, for example cat
is aliased to bat
. For a full list refer to the .zshrc file.
These are heavily inspired by joshukraines excellent dotfiles.