This is a script to bootstrap a Debian server to be a set-and-forget Tor relay. I've tested it in Buster & Bullseye, but it should work on any modern Debian or Ubuntu version. Pull requests are welcome.
tor-relay-bootstrap does this:
- Upgrades all the software on the system
- Adds the repository to apt, so Tor updates will come directly from the Tor Project
- Installs and configures Tor to be a relay (but still requires you to manually edit torrc to set Nickname, ContactInfo, etc. for this relay)
- Configures sane default firewall rules
- Configures automatic updates
- Helps harden the ssh server
- Gives instructions on what the sysadmin needs to manually do at the end
To use it, set up a Debian server, SSH into it, switch to the root user ('su -' since Buster!), and:
- Get & use this script:
apt update && apt install -y git
git clone
cd tor-relay-bootstrap
Recommendation before using this script. The very first time you log in to a new server:
- You should change given provider password! And create a Non-root user.
adduser user
- If you want to change the hostname:
hostname host.domain.tld
nano /etc/hostname
nano /etc/hosts
- Create an SSH key pair for SSH key authentication on your local computer, the computer you will log in from:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 # Very compatible 4096 bit RSA key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 # Recommended! EdDSA key - Faster in authentication & very secure
ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk # Or better yet, token-supported - FIDO/U2F hardware authenticator support was added in OpenSSH version 8.2
- Copy your public SSH key to the server:
ssh-copy-id -p 22 user@the.ser.ver.ip
This applies to Unix systems such as Linux, *BSD or MacOS in the terminal or in the shell. Windows users need PuTTY and generate the SSH key with PuTTYgen.