openedon May 12, 2021
I spent a lot of time trying to get crash dumps working when running vstest.console.exe, that could have been avoided by documenting the usage of procdump.exe.
The vstext.console.exe command line for the blame switch simply says:
Runs the test in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating the problematic test causing test host crash.
It creates an output file in the current directory as "Sequence.xml",
that captures the order of execution of test before the crash.
You may optionally choose to collect process dump for the test host.
When you choose to collect dump, by default, a mini dump will be collected on a crash.
You may also choose to override this default behaviour by some optional parameters:
CollectAlways - To collect dump on exit even if there is no crash (true/false)
DumpType - To specify dump type (mini/full).
Example: /Blame
Why does it not also say that you need to download procdump.exe and have its path defined by PATH or PROCDUMP_PATH env variables? Only after searching user forums and following links around I got back to this page that mention procdump:
Please consider updating the console help to mention procdump.exe.