re #96226
This is basically the back story for #96347
- I work on a single computer with VS Code Desktop only
- I did enable settings-sync with GH-accounts shortly after we started to support GH-accounts
- for some unknown reason settings sync is off 🤷
- enable sync tells me that I have to merge to continue
That's the moment where I stop using this feature and where I want a way to see what data we have stored. There is no way to figure that out and that's undermining trust in this feature. Things that we should do better
- give me a way to nuke the cloud data without being sync'ing, just a big stop this switch so that I am always in control. Ideally I want to be able to inspect the cloud-data but this is a good start
- know that I am always coming with the same machine (as I am in this case) and don't start talking about merging and so