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Adopt extension kind for those extensions defined as ui extensions #85819




Adoption for #85036


  • As of 1.40 the extensionKind attribute can be an array, pls see the documentation.
  • We will be deprecating the string type for extensionKind property in favour of string array type to cause less confusions and the new extensionKind must be adopted.


If you have an extension with the extensionKind set to "ui", then you must change the extension kind to:

  • ["ui"] - when the extension only runs locally in the local extension host and does not run in a remote context. For example, extensions contributing a resolvercan only run locally.
  • ["ui", "workspace] - when the extension can run both locally and remotely, but locally is preferred. For example, personalisation extensions like key bindings can run both locally and remotely, but if the extension is already installed locally it will be used.

Details about the New Format & Behaviour

Kind \ Runtime Desktop - Local Desktop - Remote Web - Remote
["ui"] ✔️
["workspace"] ✔️ ✔️
["ui", "workspace"] ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
["workspace", "ui"] ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

["ui"]: Runs only locally.
["workspace"]: Runs only remotely.
["ui", "workspace"]: Preferably runs locally if exists otherwise can run remotely.
["workspace", "ui"]: Preferably runs remotely if exists otherwise can run locally.

Adoption Tracking

Please go through the extensions listed below and adopt your extension to use the new array format correctly as per above table.

  • Git UI Extension git-ui - @chrmarti
  • Image Preview Extension image-preview - @mjbvz
  • Remote Containers Extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers ["ui"]- @chrmarti
  • Remote SSH Edit Extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit ["ui"]- @roblourens
  • Remote SSH Extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh ["ui"]- @roblourens
  • Remote WSL Extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl ["ui"]- @aeschli
  • Remote Development Extension Pack ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack ["ui"] - @roblourens @aeschli @chrmarti
  • Notepad++ Keymap Extension ms-vscode.notepadplusplus-keybindings ["ui", "workspace"] - @chrisdias
  • Sublime Keymap Extension ms-vscode.sublime-keybindings ["ui", "workspace"] - @chrisdias
  • Debugger for Chrome Extension msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome ["ui"] - @roblourens
  • Debugger for Edge Extension msjsdiag.debugger-for-edge ["ui"] - @roblourens
  • Test Resolver vscode-test-resolver ["ui"] - @aeschli

@alexandrudima FYI





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