This exploration will aim to unify the IntelliSense features (hovers, completions/suggest, parameter hints) in style and content. Additionally, we will explore to address the positioning of parameter hints (currently shown above the cursor).
Related Issues
- Shorten method signatures Shorten method signatures (aka "type madness") TypeScript#14662
- Better structure for IntelliSense Completion details should have syntax highlighting #50813
- Add opacity setting for IntelliSense Add opacity/transparency setting for intellisense suggestions popup #22439
- Better positioning of popup Editor hover can overflow to top of screen #60534
- Add syntax highlighting to suggest widget The signature in suggestion widget should have syntax highlighting #60651
Current Design
Exploration A
- Moves parameter hints below cursor
- Combines parameter + suggest widget
- Reduces opacity of entire widget to 95%
Exploration B
- Same as Exploration A
- Increases width of widget to show single line
- Aligns widgets based on cursor
Exploration C
- Same as Exploration A
- Aligns widgets based on cursor
- Adds parameter hints inline as shadow completions
GIF Example