Hello, findFiles
's exclude
argument says that if you pass in undefined
, default excludes will apply.
I have found this to not work in my extension despite my configuration being correct. Consider this piece of code:
const files = await workspace.findFiles('**/*.md'); //
// TODO: Figure out
for (const file of files) {
Above, workspace.getConfiguration('search.exclude')
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/bower_components": true
This is merged from the default settings, I never change this configuration section.
Despite that, the workspace.findFiles('**/*.md')
(with or without undefined
explicitly passed as a 2nd argument, shouldn't make a difference unless some weird parameter counting is going on) returns MarkDown files from my node_modules
I do not know how to run extension debugging in a "none but this extension" mode, but I installed a published version of my extension and tried installing it alone in my Insiders instance and was able to reproduce the problem.
I am using VS Code 1.22.2 and VS Code Insiders 1.23.0-insider`.
Is there anything else I can do to debug this further?