During November we want to improve our issue management. As a first step we will review the assigned issues. During the review pass please make sure to:
- close obsolete/fixed issues
- each issue needs a type label, that is one of:
,Needs more Info
:- Bug - the implementation of a feature is not correct
- Feature-Request - request to change the proper implementation of a feature or a request for a new feature that needs to be implemented.
- Under Discussion - not decided whether the issue is a bug or feature
- Debt - improve the implementation/architecture
- Needs more info - not possible to assing a type label due to missing information
- Question - we should direct questions to SO
- upstream - an issue used to track an issue in an upstream component
- Note: All type labels are grey (Bugs grey with a touch of red).
- assign the
label to issues that- result in data loss
- a breakage of extension
- critical security, performance issues
- UI issue that makes a feature unusable
- each issue needs to be assigned to a feature area
- assign bugs that you plan to fix during November to the November milestone
- issues that the community can take up should be labeled as
- feature requests that should be implemented as extensions should be labeled
and be closed
Please make sure that you also do this grooming in our satellite repositories: