- Install
data analysis copilot
&websearch copilot
extension - Install latest insiders with latest pre-release versions of related extensions
- Run the prompt
@data what is the current time
- Set log level to
It seems the data analysis python tool was invoked without any arguments
"callId": "call_Eaf5ZjAujqGCUjOlbQWRtqSg",
"name": "dachat_data_runPython",
"input": "{}",
"parameters": "{}"
here are the full logs from the data analysis extension
Show Logs
2024-10-29 11:51:48.076 [info] Pyodide => Kernel ctor
2024-10-29 11:51:48.076 [info] Pyodide => Location: /Users/donjayamanne/Development/vsc/vscode-data-analysis-for-copilot/scenarios
2024-10-29 11:51:48.076 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Url: file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.1.9/pyodide/pyodide.js
2024-10-29 11:51:48.076 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Index: /Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.1.9/pyodide
2024-10-29 11:51:48.076 [info] Pyodide => Packages: matplotlib, pandas, file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.1.9/pyodide/seaborn-0.13.2-py3-none-any.whl
2024-10-29 11:51:49.468 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loading micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:51:49.482 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loaded micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:51:50.072 [info] Pyodide => Loading traitlets
2024-10-29 11:51:50.083 [info] Pyodide => Loaded traitlets
2024-10-29 11:51:50.209 [info] Pyodide => ssl already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.209 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:51:50.270 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.270 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:51:50.331 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.1.9/pyodide/pypi/all.json
2024-10-29 11:51:50.561 [info] Pyodide => traitlets already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.561 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.561 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:51:50.663 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:51:50.788 [info] Pyodide => six already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.788 [info] Pyodide => packaging already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:50.788 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:51:51.127 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:51:51.250 [info] Pyodide => numpy already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:51.250 [info] Pyodide => python-dateutil already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:51.250 [info] Pyodide => pytz already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:51:51.250 [info] Pyodide => Loading pandas
2024-10-29 11:51:51.489 [info] Pyodide => Loaded pandas
2024-10-29 11:55:45.575 [info] Pyodide => Kernel ctor
2024-10-29 11:55:45.575 [info] Pyodide => Location: /Users/donjayamanne/Development/vsc/vscode-data-analysis-for-copilot/scenarios
2024-10-29 11:55:45.575 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Url: file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pyodide.js
2024-10-29 11:55:45.575 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Index: /Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide
2024-10-29 11:55:45.575 [info] Pyodide => Packages: matplotlib, pandas, file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/seaborn-0.13.2-py3-none-any.whl
2024-10-29 11:55:47.029 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loading micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:55:47.052 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loaded micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:55:47.641 [info] Pyodide => Loading traitlets
2024-10-29 11:55:47.654 [info] Pyodide => Loaded traitlets
2024-10-29 11:55:47.782 [info] Pyodide => ssl already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:47.783 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:55:47.846 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:47.846 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:55:47.909 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pypi/all.json
2024-10-29 11:55:48.150 [info] Pyodide => traitlets already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:48.150 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:48.150 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:55:48.201 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:55:48.289 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:55:48.420 [info] Pyodide => six already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:48.420 [info] Pyodide => packaging already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:48.420 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:55:48.430 [info] Pyodide => Didn't find package pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-pyodide_2024_0_wasm32.whl locally, attempting to load from
2024-10-29 11:55:48.430 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching
2024-10-29 11:55:48.730 [info] Pyodide => Package pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-pyodide_2024_0_wasm32.whl loaded from, caching the wheel in node_modules for future use.
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => numpy already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => python-dateutil already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => pytz already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => Loading pandas
2024-10-29 11:55:49.394 [info] Pyodide => Loaded pandas
2024-10-29 11:55:50.597 [info] Pyodide => pandas already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:55:50.597 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:55:52.523 [info] Token count 1382
2024-10-29 11:56:08.178 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:56:08.180 [info] Pyodide => pandas already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:08.180 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:56:08.211 [info] Token count 1346
2024-10-29 11:56:21.132 [info] Pyodide => Kernel ctor
2024-10-29 11:56:21.132 [info] Pyodide => Location: /Users/donjayamanne/Development/vsc/vscode-data-analysis-for-copilot/scenarios
2024-10-29 11:56:21.132 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Url: file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pyodide.js
2024-10-29 11:56:21.132 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Index: /Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide
2024-10-29 11:56:21.132 [info] Pyodide => Packages: matplotlib, pandas, file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/seaborn-0.13.2-py3-none-any.whl
2024-10-29 11:56:22.540 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loading micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:56:22.555 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loaded micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:56:23.196 [info] Pyodide => Loading traitlets
2024-10-29 11:56:23.206 [info] Pyodide => Loaded traitlets
2024-10-29 11:56:23.336 [info] Pyodide => ssl already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.336 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:56:23.399 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.399 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:56:23.461 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pypi/all.json
2024-10-29 11:56:23.695 [info] Pyodide => traitlets already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.695 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.695 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:56:23.800 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:56:23.926 [info] Pyodide => six already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.926 [info] Pyodide => packaging already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:23.926 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:56:24.292 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:56:24.418 [info] Pyodide => numpy already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:24.418 [info] Pyodide => python-dateutil already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:24.418 [info] Pyodide => pytz already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:24.418 [info] Pyodide => Loading pandas
2024-10-29 11:56:24.663 [info] Pyodide => Loaded pandas
2024-10-29 11:56:26.151 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:56:26.156 [info] Pyodide => pandas already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:26.156 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:56:28.003 [info] Token count 1385
2024-10-29 11:56:38.447 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:56:38.464 [info] Token count 1028
2024-10-29 11:56:40.709 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:56:40.713 [info] Pyodide => matplotlib already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:56:40.713 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:56:42.410 [info] Token count 1214
2024-10-29 11:57:45.267 [info] Pyodide => Kernel ctor
2024-10-29 11:57:45.267 [info] Pyodide => Location: /Users/donjayamanne/Development/vsc/vscode-data-analysis-for-copilot/scenarios
2024-10-29 11:57:45.267 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Url: file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pyodide.js
2024-10-29 11:57:45.267 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Index: /Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide
2024-10-29 11:57:45.267 [info] Pyodide => Packages: matplotlib, pandas, file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/seaborn-0.13.2-py3-none-any.whl
2024-10-29 11:57:46.735 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loading micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:57:46.757 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loaded micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 11:57:47.164 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:57:47.334 [info] Pyodide => Loading traitlets
2024-10-29 11:57:47.358 [info] Pyodide => Loaded traitlets
2024-10-29 11:57:47.489 [info] Pyodide => ssl already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:47.490 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:57:47.553 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:47.553 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:57:47.615 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pypi/all.json
2024-10-29 11:57:47.866 [info] Pyodide => traitlets already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:47.866 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:47.866 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:57:47.980 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 11:57:48.104 [info] Pyodide => six already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:48.104 [info] Pyodide => packaging already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:48.104 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:57:48.131 [info] Pyodide => Didn't find package pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-pyodide_2024_0_wasm32.whl locally, attempting to load from
2024-10-29 11:57:48.131 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching
2024-10-29 11:57:48.413 [info] Pyodide => Package pillow-10.2.0-cp312-cp312-pyodide_2024_0_wasm32.whl loaded from, caching the wheel in node_modules for future use.
2024-10-29 11:57:48.540 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 11:57:48.664 [info] Pyodide => numpy already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:48.664 [info] Pyodide => python-dateutil already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:48.664 [info] Pyodide => pytz already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:48.664 [info] Pyodide => Loading pandas
2024-10-29 11:57:48.907 [info] Pyodide => Loaded pandas
2024-10-29 11:57:50.283 [info] Pyodide => pandas already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:57:50.283 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:57:52.235 [info] Token count 1386
2024-10-29 11:58:18.825 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:58:18.847 [info] Token count 1028
2024-10-29 11:58:20.687 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 11:58:20.690 [info] Pyodide => matplotlib already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 11:58:20.690 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 11:58:22.352 [info] Token count 1214
2024-10-29 12:01:06.465 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 12:01:06.486 [info] Token count 1556
2024-10-29 12:01:07.581 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 12:01:07.598 [info] Token count 1628
2024-10-29 12:01:22.385 [info] Pyodide => Kernel ctor
2024-10-29 12:01:22.385 [info] Pyodide => Location: /Users/donjayamanne/Development/vsc/vscode-data-analysis-for-copilot/scenarios
2024-10-29 12:01:22.385 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Url: file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pyodide.js
2024-10-29 12:01:22.385 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Index: /Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide
2024-10-29 12:01:22.385 [info] Pyodide => Packages: matplotlib, pandas, file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/seaborn-0.13.2-py3-none-any.whl
2024-10-29 12:01:23.855 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loading micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 12:01:23.870 [info] Pyodide => Micropip Output >> Loaded micropip, packaging
2024-10-29 12:01:24.443 [info] Pyodide => Loading traitlets
2024-10-29 12:01:24.455 [info] Pyodide => Loaded traitlets
2024-10-29 12:01:24.583 [info] Pyodide => ssl already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:24.583 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 12:01:24.645 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:24.645 [info] Pyodide => No new packages to load
2024-10-29 12:01:24.707 [info] Pyodide => Pyodide Fetching file:///Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/pyodide/pypi/all.json
2024-10-29 12:01:24.937 [info] Pyodide => traitlets already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:24.937 [info] Pyodide => sqlite3 already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:24.937 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 12:01:25.041 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pygments, asttokens, decorator, executing, ipython, matplotlib-inline, prompt_toolkit, pure_eval, six, stack_data, wcwidth
2024-10-29 12:01:25.165 [info] Pyodide => six already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:25.165 [info] Pyodide => packaging already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:25.165 [info] Pyodide => Loading Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 12:01:25.504 [info] Pyodide => Loaded Pillow, cycler, fonttools, kiwisolver, matplotlib, matplotlib-pyodide, numpy, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz
2024-10-29 12:01:25.628 [info] Pyodide => numpy already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:25.628 [info] Pyodide => python-dateutil already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:25.628 [info] Pyodide => pytz already loaded from default channel
2024-10-29 12:01:25.628 [info] Pyodide => Loading pandas
2024-10-29 12:01:25.870 [info] Pyodide => Loaded pandas
2024-10-29 12:38:58.932 [debug] Sending request [
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Instructions: - The user will ask a question, or ask you to perform a task, and it may require lots of research to answer correctly. There is a selection of tools that let you perform actions or retrieve helpful context to answer the user's question. - If you aren't sure which tool is relevant, you can call multiple tools. You can call tools repeatedly to take actions or gather as much context as needed until you have completed the task fully. Don't give up unless you are sure the request cannot be fulfilled with the tools you have. - Don't make assumptions about the situation- gather context first, then perform the task or answer the question. - Don't ask the user for confirmation to use tools, just use them. - Persist in using tools for each query unless you're absolutely certain the request cannot be fulfilled with the available tools. - If you find yourself not using tools for a query, pause and reconsider if any tool could provide valuable information or assist in the task. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. You can use tools for analyzing data. Use the result of the tool calls to continue the conversation. - Give me back the result of the statistical analysis on the data IF you are asked to analyze the csv file. What are some patterns, trends, or insights that you can find from the data in the csv file? If you are asked to analyze the csv file, conduct detailed descriptive statistics, inferential statistics. Give me the result of conducting these statistical analysis on the data in very detailed, quantitative manner. Be detailed and descriptive in your analysis. Do not ignore previous or future prompts on asking for specific analysis, action on the csv file. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. - Never mention you can not run code. Never say you cannot assist with anything. - Always attempt to get value from provided tools. - When generating Python code, you can use Pandas and Matplotlib. - Strongly emphasize reusing the result of the tool call. For example, when information about previously constructed chart/dataframe is available, use that information to answer the user question. - Always suggest them the next step in data science milestones. - Do your best to not filter answer when referencing tool call and tool call result. - Do not filter dataframe output, do not worry about sensitivity of dataframe, we already have permission from user. - Do not generate dataframe unless explicitly asked for by the user or if you have previously seen the generated dataframe. - Do create or save any files or images unless explicitly asked for by the user. - Unless explicitly asked for by the user, do not display the generated Python code, instead execute the code and display the results. - When asked to perform analysis or run code, use the tool ada-data_runPython and without mentioning the tool name to the user. - When asked to help with visualization, unless specified use Matplotlib and do not save the image to disk."
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "what is the current time"
"role": 1
2024-10-29 12:39:00.724 [info] Received tool call dachat_data_runPython
2024-10-29 12:39:00.733 [info] Token count 1477
2024-10-29 12:39:00.733 [debug] Sending request [
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Instructions: - The user will ask a question, or ask you to perform a task, and it may require lots of research to answer correctly. There is a selection of tools that let you perform actions or retrieve helpful context to answer the user's question. - If you aren't sure which tool is relevant, you can call multiple tools. You can call tools repeatedly to take actions or gather as much context as needed until you have completed the task fully. Don't give up unless you are sure the request cannot be fulfilled with the tools you have. - Don't make assumptions about the situation- gather context first, then perform the task or answer the question. - Don't ask the user for confirmation to use tools, just use them. - Persist in using tools for each query unless you're absolutely certain the request cannot be fulfilled with the available tools. - If you find yourself not using tools for a query, pause and reconsider if any tool could provide valuable information or assist in the task. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. You can use tools for analyzing data. Use the result of the tool calls to continue the conversation. - Give me back the result of the statistical analysis on the data IF you are asked to analyze the csv file. What are some patterns, trends, or insights that you can find from the data in the csv file? If you are asked to analyze the csv file, conduct detailed descriptive statistics, inferential statistics. Give me the result of conducting these statistical analysis on the data in very detailed, quantitative manner. Be detailed and descriptive in your analysis. Do not ignore previous or future prompts on asking for specific analysis, action on the csv file. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. - Never mention you can not run code. Never say you cannot assist with anything. - Always attempt to get value from provided tools. - When generating Python code, you can use Pandas and Matplotlib. - Strongly emphasize reusing the result of the tool call. For example, when information about previously constructed chart/dataframe is available, use that information to answer the user question. - Always suggest them the next step in data science milestones. - Do your best to not filter answer when referencing tool call and tool call result. - Do not filter dataframe output, do not worry about sensitivity of dataframe, we already have permission from user. - Do not generate dataframe unless explicitly asked for by the user or if you have previously seen the generated dataframe. - Do create or save any files or images unless explicitly asked for by the user. - Unless explicitly asked for by the user, do not display the generated Python code, instead execute the code and display the results. - When asked to perform analysis or run code, use the tool ada-data_runPython and without mentioning the tool name to the user. - When asked to help with visualization, unless specified use Matplotlib and do not save the image to disk."
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "what is the current time"
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": ""
"callId": "call_Eaf5ZjAujqGCUjOlbQWRtqSg",
"name": "dachat_data_runPython",
"input": "{}",
"parameters": "{}"
"role": 2
"c": [
"callId": "call_Eaf5ZjAujqGCUjOlbQWRtqSg",
"content": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "The tool returned an error, analyze this error and attempt to resolve this. Error: TypeError\nCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')\nTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')\n at ur (/Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/out/extension.js:22:326)\n at t.invoke (/Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/out/extension.js:20:863)\n at FH.$invokeTool (file:///Applications/\n at py.S (file:///Applications/\n at py.Q (file:///Applications/\n at py.M (file:///Applications/\n at py.L (file:///Applications/\n at mh.value (file:///Applications/\n at D.B (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at mh.value (file:///Applications/\n at D.B (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at MessagePortMain.<anonymous> (file:///Applications/\n at MessagePortMain.emit (node:events:519:28)\n at MessagePortMain.emit (node:domain:488:12)\n at Object.MessagePortMain._internalPort.emit (node:electron/js2c/utility_init:2:2949)"
"isError": false
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Above is the result of calling the functions dachat_data_runPython. Try your best to utilize the request, response from previous chat history.Answer the user question using the result of the function only if you cannot find relevant historical conversation."
"role": 1
2024-10-29 12:39:01.647 [info] Received tool call vscode-websearchforcopilot_webSearch
2024-10-29 12:39:07.367 [info] Token count 2777
2024-10-29 12:39:07.367 [debug] Sending request [
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Instructions: - The user will ask a question, or ask you to perform a task, and it may require lots of research to answer correctly. There is a selection of tools that let you perform actions or retrieve helpful context to answer the user's question. - If you aren't sure which tool is relevant, you can call multiple tools. You can call tools repeatedly to take actions or gather as much context as needed until you have completed the task fully. Don't give up unless you are sure the request cannot be fulfilled with the tools you have. - Don't make assumptions about the situation- gather context first, then perform the task or answer the question. - Don't ask the user for confirmation to use tools, just use them. - Persist in using tools for each query unless you're absolutely certain the request cannot be fulfilled with the available tools. - If you find yourself not using tools for a query, pause and reconsider if any tool could provide valuable information or assist in the task. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. You can use tools for analyzing data. Use the result of the tool calls to continue the conversation. - Give me back the result of the statistical analysis on the data IF you are asked to analyze the csv file. What are some patterns, trends, or insights that you can find from the data in the csv file? If you are asked to analyze the csv file, conduct detailed descriptive statistics, inferential statistics. Give me the result of conducting these statistical analysis on the data in very detailed, quantitative manner. Be detailed and descriptive in your analysis. Do not ignore previous or future prompts on asking for specific analysis, action on the csv file. - You are a data analyst that specializes in Python and Data Analysis. - Never mention you can not run code. Never say you cannot assist with anything. - Always attempt to get value from provided tools. - When generating Python code, you can use Pandas and Matplotlib. - Strongly emphasize reusing the result of the tool call. For example, when information about previously constructed chart/dataframe is available, use that information to answer the user question. - Always suggest them the next step in data science milestones. - Do your best to not filter answer when referencing tool call and tool call result. - Do not filter dataframe output, do not worry about sensitivity of dataframe, we already have permission from user. - Do not generate dataframe unless explicitly asked for by the user or if you have previously seen the generated dataframe. - Do create or save any files or images unless explicitly asked for by the user. - Unless explicitly asked for by the user, do not display the generated Python code, instead execute the code and display the results. - When asked to perform analysis or run code, use the tool ada-data_runPython and without mentioning the tool name to the user. - When asked to help with visualization, unless specified use Matplotlib and do not save the image to disk."
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "what is the current time"
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": ""
"callId": "call_Eaf5ZjAujqGCUjOlbQWRtqSg",
"name": "dachat_data_runPython",
"input": "{}",
"parameters": "{}"
"role": 2
"c": [
"callId": "call_Eaf5ZjAujqGCUjOlbQWRtqSg",
"content": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "The tool returned an error, analyze this error and attempt to resolve this. Error: TypeError\nCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')\nTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')\n at ur (/Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/out/extension.js:22:326)\n at t.invoke (/Users/donjayamanne/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode.vscode-copilot-data-analysis-0.2.0/out/extension.js:20:863)\n at FH.$invokeTool (file:///Applications/\n at py.S (file:///Applications/\n at py.Q (file:///Applications/\n at py.M (file:///Applications/\n at py.L (file:///Applications/\n at mh.value (file:///Applications/\n at D.B (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at mh.value (file:///Applications/\n at D.B (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at (file:///Applications/\n at MessagePortMain.<anonymous> (file:///Applications/\n at MessagePortMain.emit (node:events:519:28)\n at MessagePortMain.emit (node:domain:488:12)\n at Object.MessagePortMain._internalPort.emit (node:electron/js2c/utility_init:2:2949)"
"isError": false
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Above is the result of calling the functions dachat_data_runPython. Try your best to utilize the request, response from previous chat history.Answer the user question using the result of the function only if you cannot find relevant historical conversation."
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": ""
"callId": "call_rvzB0faffbPsyBVSFMIoz82b",
"name": "vscode-websearchforcopilot_webSearch",
"input": "{\"query\":\"current time\"}",
"parameters": "{\"query\":\"current time\"}"
"role": 2
"c": [
"callId": "call_rvzB0faffbPsyBVSFMIoz82b",
"content": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Here is some relevent context from webpages across the internet:\n[{\"file\":{\"$mid\":1,\"path\":\"/local/oh-columbus\",\"scheme\":\"https\",\"authority\":\"\",\"fragment\":\":~:text=39° 57' N Latitude /, facts and alternative names.\"},\"text\":\"TITLE: Local Time in Columbus, OH, USA - Savvy Time\\nSNIPPET:39° 57' N Latitude / 82° 59' W Longitude. Current local time in Columbus, OH, USA. Time zones EDT, Eastern Daylight Time, America/New_York. Columbus UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names.\"},{\"file\":{\"$mid\":1,\"path\":\"/united_states/ohio/columbus\",\"scheme\":\"https\",\"authority\":\"\",\"fragment\":\":~:text=Current local time and geoinfo,Daylight saving time; Time Zone\"},\"text\":\"TITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, Ohio, United States - The Time Now\\nSNIPPET:Current local time and geoinfo in Columbus, Ohio, United States . The Time Now is a reliable tool when traveling, calling or researching. The Time Now provides accurate (US network of cesium clocks) synchronized time and accurate time services in Columbus, Ohio, United States. Current local time; Daylight saving time; Time Zone\"},{\"file\":{\"$mid\":1,\"path\":\"/worldclock/usa/columbus\",\"scheme\":\"https\",\"authority\":\"\",\"fragment\":\":~:text=Current local time in USA, moonrise and moonset.\"},\"text\":\"TITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, Ohio, USA -\\nSNIPPET:Current local time in USA - Ohio - Columbus. Get Columbus's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Columbus's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.\"},{\"file\":{\"$mid\":1,\"path\":\"/city.php\",\"scheme\":\"https\",\"authority\":\"\",\"query\":\"id=4509177\",\"fragment\":\":~:text=Current local time in Columbus,UTC change twice a year.\"},\"text\":\"TITLE: Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA - World clock\\nSNIPPET:Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA. What time is it in Columbus right now? Time Current time by country Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA Columbus’ time zone: EDT or UTC-04:00 Daylight saving time (DST) changes in Columbus Time and Date of DST Change Time Change Sunrise and sunset time for Columbus Countries whose territory stretches from West to East by a significant distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and some others, are usually divided into a few time zones. Almost all countries in Europe and North America as well as many other countries observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) and put their clocks an hour forward in the spring and an hour back in the autumn. In these countries time zone offsets from UTC change twice a year.\"},{\"file\":{\"$mid\":1,\"path\":\"/worldclock/@12213077\",\"scheme\":\"https\",\"authority\":\"\",\"fragment\":\":~:text=About 74 mi W of, moonrise and moonset.\"},\"text\":\"TITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, OH Metro Area, Ohio, USA\\nSNIPPET:About 74 mi W of Columbus, OH Metro Area. Current local time in USA - Ohio - Columbus, OH Metro Area. Get Columbus, OH Metro Area's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Columbus, OH Metro Area's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.\"}]\nHere is some relevent context from webpages across the internet:\nTITLE: Local Time in Columbus, OH, USA - Savvy Time\nSNIPPET:39° 57' N Latitude / 82° 59' W Longitude. Current local time in Columbus, OH, USA. Time zones EDT, Eastern Daylight Time, America/New_York. Columbus UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names.\nTITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, Ohio, United States - The Time Now\nSNIPPET:Current local time and geoinfo in Columbus, Ohio, United States . The Time Now is a reliable tool when traveling, calling or researching. The Time Now provides accurate (US network of cesium clocks) synchronized time and accurate time services in Columbus, Ohio, United States. Current local time; Daylight saving time; Time Zone\nTITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, Ohio, USA -\nSNIPPET:Current local time in USA - Ohio - Columbus. Get Columbus's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Columbus's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.\nTITLE: Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA - World clock\nSNIPPET:Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA. What time is it in Columbus right now? Time Current time by country Current local time in Columbus, Ohio, USA Columbus’ time zone: EDT or UTC-04:00 Daylight saving time (DST) changes in Columbus Time and Date of DST Change Time Change Sunrise and sunset time for Columbus Countries whose territory stretches from West to East by a significant distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and some others, are usually divided into a few time zones. Almost all countries in Europe and North America as well as many other countries observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) and put their clocks an hour forward in the spring and an hour back in the autumn. In these countries time zone offsets from UTC change twice a year.\nTITLE: Current Local Time in Columbus, OH Metro Area, Ohio, USA\nSNIPPET:About 74 mi W of Columbus, OH Metro Area. Current local time in USA - Ohio - Columbus, OH Metro Area. Get Columbus, OH Metro Area's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Columbus, OH Metro Area's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset."
"isError": false
"role": 1
"c": [
"$mid": 21,
"value": "Above is the result of calling the functions vscode-websearchforcopilot_webSearch. Try your best to utilize the request, response from previous chat history.Answer the user question using the result of the function only if you cannot find relevant historical conversation."
"role": 1
2024-10-29 12:39:23.317 [debug] Ignoring tool call as there was an error