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Markdown preview stops updating restarting extension host #209027




Type: Bug

  1. Open 2 markdown files
  2. Open markdown preview
  3. Switch focus between markdown files to see the preview update
  4. Restart the extension host (this happens frequently now that we support that when extensions update instead of a full window reload)
  5. Try switching focus between markdown files again
    🐛 => preview stops updating

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.88.0-insider (9e0b3f3, 2024-03-27T21:47:00.626Z)
OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631

Extensions (31)
Extension Author (truncated) Version
codesnap adp 1.3.4
markdown-checkbox bie 0.4.0
markdown-emoji bie 0.3.0
simple-icons com 0.1.6
vsc-material-theme-icons equ 3.5.0
prettier-vscode esb 10.4.0
codespaces Git 1.16.17
copilot Git 1.176.792
copilot-chat Git 0.14.2024032701
remotehub Git 0.63.2024031101
vscode-drawio hed 1.6.6
fluent-icons mig 0.0.18
vscode-language-pack-es MS- 1.88.2024032709
vscode-language-pack-fr MS- 1.88.2024032709
vscode-language-pack-pt-BR MS- 1.88.2024032709
remote-containers ms- 0.353.0
remote-ssh ms- 0.111.2024032715
remote-ssh-edit ms- 0.86.0
remote-wsl ms- 0.88.0
azure-repos ms- 0.39.2024031101
hexeditor ms- 1.9.14
remote-explorer ms- 0.5.2024031109
remote-repositories ms- 0.41.2024022202
remote-server ms- 1.6.2024032709
vscode-github-issue-notebooks ms- 0.0.130
color-highlight nau 2.8.0
material-icon-theme PKi 4.34.0
excalidraw-editor pom 3.7.3
vscode-yaml red 1.14.0
vscode-sort-json ric 1.20.0
luna-paint Tyr 0.16.0

(3 theme extensions excluded)





bugIssue identified by VS Code Team member as probable bughelp wantedIssues identified as good community contribution opportunitiesmarkdownMarkdown support issues


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