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Overlapping ranges are not allowed! when discarding edits #204592



Discarded edits from inline and got the error below

 ERR Error: Overlapping ranges are not allowed!
    at S.applyEdits (pieceTreeTextBuffer.ts:311:12)
    at U.xb (textModel.ts:1427:31)
    at U.applyEdits (textModel.ts:1417:16)
    at l.pushEditOperation (editStack.ts:429:45)
    at U.vb (textModel.ts:1365:31)
    at U.pushEditOperations (textModel.ts:1271:16)
    at R.discardAll (inlineChatSession.ts:729:20)
    at P.cancel (inlineChatStrategies.ts:78:33)
    at P.cancel (inlineChatStrategies.ts:487:16)
    at G.CANCEL (inlineChatController.ts:885:38)
    at G.R (inlineChatController.ts:288:36)
    at async (inlineChatController.ts:267:4)

"session": {
"id": 2,
"placeholder": "Ask Copilot to edit code...",
"slashCommands": [
"command": "doc",
"detail": "Add documentation comment for this symbol",
"executeImmediately": true
"command": "tests",
"detail": "Generate unit tests for the selected code"
"command": "fix",
"detail": "Propose a fix for the problems in the selected code"
"command": "explain",
"detail": "Explain how the selected code works",
"refer": true
"wholeRange": {
"startLineNumber": 369,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 399,
"endColumn": 1
"message": "$(copilot-logo) Copilot generated code may be incorrect"
"when": "2024-02-07T12:05:33.032Z",
"exchanges": [
"prompt": "add doc to all these classes",
"res": {
"wholeRange": {
"startLineNumber": 369,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 399,
"endColumn": 1
"id": 0,
"type": "editorEdit",
"edits": [
"text": "/\n * One request/response pair in chat history.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentHistoryEntry {\n\t/\n\t * The request that was sent to the chat agent.\n\t */\n\trequest: ChatAgentRequest;\n\n\t/\n\t * The content that was received from the chat agent. Only the progress parts that represent actual content (not metadata) are represented.\n\t */\n\tresponse: (ChatAgentContentProgress | ChatResponseTextPart | ChatResponseMarkdownPart | ChatResponseFilesPart | ChatResponseAnchorPart)[];\n\n\t/\n\t * The result that was received from the chat agent.\n\t */\n\tresult: ChatAgentResult2;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents an error result from a chat request.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentErrorDetails {\n\t/\n\t * An error message that is shown to the user.\n\t */\n\tmessage: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * If partial markdown content was sent over the progress callback before the response terminated, then this flag\n\t * can be set to true and it will be rendered with incomplete markdown features patched up.\n\t *\n\t * For example, if the response terminated after sending part of a triple-backtick code block, then the editor will\n\t * render it as a complete code block.\n\t */\n\tresponseIsIncomplete?: boolean;\n\n\t/\n\t * If set to true, the response will be partly blurred out.\n\t */\n\tresponseIsFiltered?: boolean;\n}\n\n/\n * The result of a chat request.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentResult2 {\n\t/\n\t * If the request resulted in an error, this property defines the error details.\n\t */\n\terrorDetails?: ChatAgentErrorDetails;\n\n\t// TODO@API\n\t// add CATCH-all signature [name:string]: string|boolean|number instead of T extends...\n\t// readonly metadata: { readonly [key: string]: any };\n}\n\n/\n * Represents the type of user feedback received.\n */\nexport enum ChatAgentResultFeedbackKind {\n\t/\n\t * The user marked the result as helpful.\n\t */\n\tUnhelpful = 0,\n\n\t/\n\t * The user marked the result as unhelpful.\n\t */\n\tHelpful = 1,\n}\n\n/\n * Represents user feedback for a result.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentResult2Feedback {\n\t/\n\t * This instance of ChatAgentResult2 is the same instance that was returned from the chat agent,\n\t * and it can be extended with arbitrary properties if needed.\n\t */\n\treadonly result: TResult;\n\n\t/\n\t * The kind of feedback that was received.\n\t */\n\treadonly kind: ChatAgentResultFeedbackKind;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a subCommand of a chat agent.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentSubCommand {\n\t/\n\t * A short name by which this command is referred to in the UI, e.g. fix or\n\t * explain for commands that fix an issue or explain code.\n\t *\n\t * Note: The name should be unique among the subCommands provided by this agent.\n\t */\n\treadonly name: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * Human-readable description explaining what this command does.\n\t */\n\treadonly description: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * When the user clicks this subCommand in /help, this text will be submitted to this subCommand\n\t */\n\treadonly sampleRequest?: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * Whether executing the command puts the\n\t * chat into a persistent mode, where the\n\t * subCommand is prepended to the chat input.\n\t */\n\treadonly shouldRepopulate?: boolean;\n\n\t/\n\t * Placeholder text to render in the chat input\n\t * when the subCommand has been repopulated.\n\t * Has no effect if shouldRepopulate is false.\n\t */\n\treadonly followupPlaceholder?: string;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a provider of subCommands for a chat agent.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentSubCommandProvider {\n\t/\n\t * Returns a list of subCommands that its agent is capable of handling. A subCommand\n\t * can be selected by the user and will then be passed to the {@link ChatAgentHandler handler}\n\t * via the {@link ChatAgentRequest.subCommand subCommand} property.\n\t *\n\t * @param token A cancellation token.\n\t * @returns A list of subCommands. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or\n\t * an empty array.\n\t */\n\tprovideSubCommands(token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<ChatAgentSubCommand[]>;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a followup command to be executed after a chat agent request.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentCommandFollowup {\n\tcommandId: string;\n\targs?: any[];\n\ttitle: string; // supports codicon strings\n\twhen?: string;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a followup reply to be sent after a chat agent request.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentReplyFollowup {\n\t/\n\t * The message to send to the chat.\n\t */\n\tmessage: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * A tooltip to show when hovering over the followup.\n\t */\n\ttooltip?: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * A title to show the user, when it is different than the message.\n\t */\n\ttitle?: string;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a followup action suggested by the chat agent.\n */\nexport type ChatAgentFollowup = ChatAgentCommandFollowup | ChatAgentReplyFollowup;\n\n/\n * Represents a provider of followup actions for a chat agent result.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentFollowupProvider {\n\t/\n\t * Provides a list of followup actions to be shown to the user after a chat agent request.\n\t *\n\t * @param result The same instance of the result object that was returned by the chat agent, and it can be extended with arbitrary properties if needed.\n\t * @param token A cancellation token.\n\t */\n\tprovideFollowups(result: TResult, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<ChatAgentFollowup[]>;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a chat agent.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgent2 {\n\t/\n\t * The short name by which this agent is referred to in the UI, e.g workspace.\n\t */\n\treadonly name: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * The full name of this agent.\n\t */\n\tfullName: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * A human-readable description explaining what this agent does.\n\t */\n\tdescription: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * Icon for the agent shown in UI.\n\t */\n\ticonPath?: Uri | {\n\t\t/\n\t\t * The icon path for the light theme.\n\t\t */\n\t\tlight: Uri;\n\t\t/\n\t\t * The icon path for the dark theme.\n\t\t */\n\t\tdark: Uri;\n\t} | ThemeIcon;\n\n\t/\n\t * The provider for subCommands of this agent.\n\t */\n\tsubCommandProvider?: ChatAgentSubCommandProvider;\n\n\t/\n\t * The provider for followup actions of this agent.\n\t */\n\tfollowupProvider?: ChatAgentFollowupProvider;\n\n\t/\n\t * When the user clicks this agent in /help, this text will be submitted to this subCommand\n\t */\n\tsampleRequest?: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * An event that fires whenever feedback for a result is received, e.g. when a user up- or down-votes\n\t * a result.\n\t *\n\t * The passed {@link ChatAgentResult2Feedback.result result} is guaranteed to be the same instance that was\n\t * previously returned from this chat agent.\n\t */\n\tonDidReceiveFeedback: Event<ChatAgentResult2Feedback>;\n\n\t/\n\t * Dispose this agent and free resources.\n\t */\n\tdispose(): void;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a chat agent request.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentRequest {\n\t/\n\t * The prompt entered by the user. The {@link name} of the agent or the {@link subCommand}\n\t * are not part of the prompt.\n\t *\n\t * @see {@link ChatAgentRequest.subCommand}\n\t */\n\tprompt: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * The ID of the chat agent to which this request was directed.\n\t */\n\tagentId: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * The name of the {@link ChatAgentSubCommand subCommand} that was selected for this request.\n\t */\n\tsubCommand?: string;\n\n\t/\n\t * Variables associated with the chat agent request.\n\t */\n\tvariables: Record<string, ChatVariableValue[]>;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a stream of responses from a chat agent.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentResponseStream {\n\t/\n\t * Push a text part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value A plain text value.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\ttext(value: string): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n\n\t/\n\t * Push a markdown part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value A markdown string or a string that should be interpreted as markdown.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\tmarkdown(value: string | MarkdownString): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n\n\t/\n\t * Push an anchor part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value A uri or location.\n\t * @param title An optional title that is rendered with value.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\tanchor(value: Uri | Location, title?: string): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n\n\t/\n\t * Push a file part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value File tree data.\n\t * @param baseUri The base uri to which this file tree is relative to.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\tfiles(value: ChatAgentFileTreeData, baseUri: Uri): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n\n\t/\n\t * Push a progress part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value A progress message.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\tprogress(value: string): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n\n\t/\n\t * Push a reference part to this stream.\n\t *\n\t * @param value A uri or location.\n\t * @returns This stream.\n\t */\n\treference(value: Uri | Location): ChatAgentResponseStream;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a chat agent response.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentResponse {\n\t/\n\t * The stream of responses from the chat agent.\n\t */\n\tstream: ChatAgentResponseStream;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a chat agent file tree data.\n */\nexport interface ChatAgentFileTreeData {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the file tree data.\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a value of a chat variable.\n */\nexport type ChatVariableValue = string | number | boolean | null | undefined;\n\n/\n * Represents a cancellation token.\n */\nexport interface CancellationToken {\n\t/\n\t * Is true when the token has been cancelled, false otherwise.\n\t */\n\tisCancellationRequested: boolean;\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a provider result.\n */\nexport type ProviderResult = T | undefined | null;\n\n/\n * Represents a markdown string.\n */\nexport interface MarkdownString {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the markdown string.\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a URI.\n */\nexport interface Uri {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the URI.\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a location.\n */\nexport interface Location {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the location.\n}\n\n/\n * Represents a theme icon.\n */\nexport interface ThemeIcon {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the theme icon.\n}\n\n/\n * Represents an event.\n */\nexport interface Event {\n\t// TODO: Define the structure of the event.\n}\n",
"range": {
"startLineNumber": 6,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 342,
"endColumn": 1

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bugIssue identified by VS Code Team member as probable bugimportantIssue identified as high-priorityinline-chat


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