[Extension Host] Error: AccessorVariable must have variable parent #1218
opened on Mar 7, 2022
Describe the bug
Debugger disconnects, the debug console window stops being responsive
To Reproduce
It happens after some time but it's the nth time I got it today:
- Leave the debbuger hanging on a breakpoint
- enter following code into the debug console:
Array.prototype.take = function(cnt){const arr = this.slice(0,cnt); return arr}
Array.prototype.skip = function(cnt){const arr = this.slice(cnt); return arr}
Set.prototype.toArray = function(){return Array.from(this)}
Array.prototype.toSet = function(){return new Set(this)}
Object.prototype.toJson = function() {return JSON.stringify(this)}
use it like this (in the debug console)
someArray.filter(x=>x.someCondition === true)
.skip(10) // skip first 10 results
.take(20) // take only 20
.map(x=>x.category) // pick or process field you want to research
.toSet() // create a set of unique values
.toArray() // get an array of those values
- Go away and come back every now and then browsing through data local to the breakpoint
- Change the filtering conditions
- change the chain of functions a bit
- vscode tab changes to Terminal from Debug Console
- the app continues execution
- debugger is left hanging on the breakpoint and unresponsive
- See error in Window Log in vscode
Log File
[2022-03-07 12:14:08.290] [renderer3] [error] Error processing completions: Error: AccessorVariable must have variable parent
at new H (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:958513)
at new G (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:958880)
at R.createVariable (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:950189)
at R.createPropertyVar (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:953051)
at R.createObjectPropertyVars (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:951628)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async z.getChildren (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:959517)
at async n.getVariables (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:961962)
at async c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:916410
at async Promise.all (index 3)
at async m.completions (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:916513)
at async f.defaultCompletions (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:815063)
at async f.identifierCompleter (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:812821)
at async T.completions (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:928315)
at async t.default._onMessage (c:\Users\...\app\extensions\ms-vscode.js-debug\src\extension.js:2:1063178): Error: Error processing completions: Error: AccessorVariable must have variable parent
vscode version 1.65.0